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  1. W

    Prayers and advise

    Hi everyone, I am in need of some guidance. Our adult daughter is not following Jesus right now and has developed quite a fowl vocabulary which is so shocking to me as it was not something she grew up with but I know that their friends are bad influences in this area. One thing that has really...
  2. W

    Stopping chemo

    Yes we are in Oregon and use an OHSU physician. His oncologist is excellent but even with the combination of nausea meds he still has some nausea. The only nausea med he is currently not doing is the iv dexamethasone (it's a steroid commonly used for this), or the tabs to take the first 3 days...
  3. W

    Stopping chemo

    Thank you, I appreciate it a lot!
  4. W

    Stopping chemo

    July of 2019 my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, had surgery and is now doing chemo. He just completed his 5th treatment of 12, half way there. I am really scared that he will stop chemo due to the side effects. He is miserable, with this one being the worst. My husband is not a...
  5. W

    Dimentia Stinks

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. Hope you find strength in the Lord.
  6. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    I'm so sorry about your husband, I can't even imagine. I have never felt so hopeless in helping someone. I always feel like I'm suppose to be the fixer of things but I know I"m not God and only He can fix things. I have a hard time knowing how to act when he's so upset and angry and hurting.
  7. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    Thank you, I love that little prayer, what a neat thing to find and hold on to as a child. I know what he is going through is hard and I sure don't expect him to act like nothing is going on, he has been through a lot over several years but a whole lot just over these past few months. I think...
  8. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and family, that must be so difficult especially knowing they weren't believers. That is my biggest prayer for my husband right now. It is so difficult every day to see him struggle with the issues from surgery. The frustration with doctors that don't...
  9. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    Today I have been feeling a little angry with him, he has been so negative due to some issues after surgery. He doesn't even want to try and help his issues, just sit here and says he cant do anything but stay home. It is so frustrating to sit here and listen to him and know what to do and say...
  10. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. Sometimes I get so frustrated with God and I feel weak at times in my faith because I feel so alone in my walk with the Lord since my husband isn't. I appreciate the encouragement and I pray daily for his salvation and for his heart to be changed.
  11. W

    Needing some advise and emotional support

    Hi there, I am really in need of some support. My husband has had a lot of medical issues, most recent he had stage 3 colon cancer. Had surgery to remove part of his colon and is now just starting chemo.On top of this, right out of surgery he started developing some type of nerve problem so now...