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  1. Woonkle

    Celiac Disease

    I forgot to say that mustard and ketchup have to list distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar in the ingredients otherwise the vinegar used has gluten. In America companies are allowed to list apple cider vinegar as just vinegar, but have to specify for all other types of vinegars.
  2. Woonkle

    Celiac Disease

    I have a severe gluten sensitivity that is very close to being celiac. Gluten causes me to have severe arthritis flares and even a little cross contamination causes contractures ( inflammation paralyzes muscles around the joints). When you go to restaurants tell the waiters she has celiac to be...
  3. Woonkle

    Did God send bears to kill youths?

    The Hebrew word used in 2 Kings 2:23-24 is na'ar. This word can be hard to translate as it can mean a child or young adult. In this passage it is most likely that they were young adult men that had come to kill Elisha, so God sent the bears to save him.
  4. Woonkle

    Young Adults Chat Thread

  5. Woonkle

    Daily supplements you take

    vitamin c b12 coq10 zinc probiotics
  6. Woonkle

    Addison's Disease

    I have adrenal insufficiency from almost 8 years of prednisone. I only found out about stress dosing and cortisone injections a few months ago. My endocrinologist isn't sure if my adrenals will start to work again after so long but she said they probably will. I suspect they still work since...
  7. Woonkle

    Hi I need help!? Please read

    It might be ocd it causes intrusive thoughts and can cause irrational doubts there is an ocd forum here.
  8. Woonkle


    I used to have lots of intrusive thoughts for years but I recently put my trust in the One true Christian God and asked Him to take them away and the intrusive thoughts and compulsions went away the second I did. They no longer have any more control over me. Only the real God of Abraham, Isaac...
  9. Woonkle


    Mostly research on autoimmune and other diseases, and sickness from a Christian perspective.
  10. Woonkle

    Dwarf seahorses

    Sorry didn’t mean to post twice
  11. Woonkle

    Dwarf seahorses

    Does any one here have experience with dwarf seahorses. I was thinking of getting some but I’ve never set up a saltwater tank.
  12. Woonkle

    Dwarf seahorses

    Does any one here have experience with dwarf seahorses. I was thinking of getting some but I’ve never set up a saltwater tank.
  13. Woonkle


    Hello everyone, I’ve been on Christian Forums for a while but never made an account until now. I have 4 cats and 2 fish tanks. I like writing and theology.