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  1. Yttrium

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    You keep saying that. New York state law disagrees. The statute of limitations can be extended by: "Any period following the commission of the offense during which (i) the defendant was continuously outside this state or (ii) the whereabouts of the defendant were continuously unknown and...
  2. Yttrium

    Dementia doctor explains what is happening to Trump and Biden

    So sorry to hear that.
  3. Yttrium

    Dementia doctor explains what is happening to Trump and Biden

    Yes, my mom lost her appetite more and more, and I hear that's a common problem with dementia.
  4. Yttrium

    Dementia doctor explains what is happening to Trump and Biden

    If the presidential debate goes off as planned, we should all pay close attention to how the candidates compose themselves. Look at how many gaffes Biden pulls off and see if Trump is forgetting words. With these two, I'm kind of expecting a train wreck.
  5. Yttrium

    Dementia doctor explains what is happening to Trump and Biden

    My mom had a bad case of dementia. Over the course of five years, she went from being able to mostly take care of herself to being unable to do anything without help before she died. The first real sign was that she lost the ability to cook. Not that she forgot how, she came to think that if...
  6. Yttrium

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    Uh... what? No way. I'm a veteran, and Trump's MAGA doesn't appeal to me at all. It's full of dumb conspiracy theories and Trump worship. We can find a far better way to support America than that.
  7. Yttrium

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Hardly. I'm a centrist. I think Clinton should have been kicked out of office after having been impeached. Hardly a leftist sentiment. But Trump committed a state crime in cooking the books. Clinton lied to Congress. They are completely different situations, even though they both have immoral...
  8. Yttrium

    Tom Cotton Is Suddenly Among the Top Candidates for Trump’s VP: Report

    That's all right, we would never see him do anything.
  9. Yttrium

    Tom Cotton Is Suddenly Among the Top Candidates for Trump’s VP: Report

    I must admit that I'm still amused by people eagerly lining up to be thrown under the bus by Trump. You'd think that they would have figured out the pattern by now. However, Carson would probably do well as a yes-man VP.
  10. Yttrium

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    How is that crumbling? Those quotes from Fiorentini seem like reasonable responses to me.
  11. Yttrium

    Another look at the moon landing.

    It's a great idea, because it would allow them to avoid stirring up lunar dust, which is highly abrasive. Moon dust doesn't get its sharp edges eroded the way Earth dust does.
  12. Yttrium

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    How could you skip that? It's very tasty.
  13. Yttrium


    You're implying that any presidential candidate should be above the law when running for office. If a candidate murdered somebody, well, we don't want that to interfere with the election, better throw out any conviction.
  14. Yttrium

    3rd-strike 'trans' rape suspect prompts rebellion against CA law after attack in women's prison

    The gender identity movement wasn't popular and mainstream until recently. The recent movement has extended trans to people who simply identify as the opposite sex without having gender reassignment surgery. The current distinctions between gender and sex are relatively recent, too. When I was...
  15. Yttrium

    3rd-strike 'trans' rape suspect prompts rebellion against CA law after attack in women's prison

    So new? Gender reassignment surgery (not counting earlier more primitive forms) dates back to 1917. It was a fairly common procedure back in the 70s when I was a teen.
  16. Yttrium

    3rd-strike 'trans' rape suspect prompts rebellion against CA law after attack in women's prison

    Many Republicans want convicts placed by sex, not gender identity. Their chromosomes would be the deciding factor. As a result, some people with female genitals would go to men's prisons, and some people with male genitals would go to women's prisons. Many Democrats want gender identity to be...
  17. Yttrium

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    A lightsaber can slice off an arm, leg or head effortlessly, and it can cut through steel. Obi Wan, waving a hand at the stormtrooper: These aren't the droids you're looking for. Stormtrooper: ... These aren't the droids we're looking for. And durangodawood beat me to it.
  18. Yttrium

    3rd-strike 'trans' rape suspect prompts rebellion against CA law after attack in women's prison

    Apparently, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has the authority to transfer the convict in situations like this. "CDCR has a multi-disciplinary team of staff in place to review all gender-based housing preference requests. Custody, medical and mental health staff as...
  19. Yttrium

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    Come to think of it, I don't remember watching the old Dracula movie with Bela Lugosi. I might have seen it as a child, but I can only think of a couple vague images.