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  1. Legroom

    Why does Trump feel he needs to be "mean"?

  2. Legroom

    Senate Intel, GOP and Dems Agree: No collusion

    Good luck is right! The fed Gov. is basically a (D) institution, they have a double standard in what concerns them. Trump got 4% of the vote in D.C., he faired a little better out in the bedroom communities in Va and Maryland. So we wont find much interest in getting to the truth of it all...
  3. Legroom

    Senate Intel, GOP and Dems Agree: No collusion

    The first actually happened, illegal or not. Clinton paid a retired foreign agent and British citizen to collect unsubstantiated information from Russian agents, leaked the information to effect the elections in America, dubious information that was used it to obtain FISA warrants. Your...
  4. Legroom

    How can we know if we are born again?

    The proof is in the pudding of what happens to goofy people who take it seriously. Snake-Handling Pentecostal Pastor Dies From Snake Bite
  5. Legroom

    How can we know if we are born again?

    Some Bibles don't even have the Mark 16:9-20 ending. Mark 16 - Wikipedia
  6. Legroom

    How can we know if we are born again?

    Some people had faith all along, it continues to grow. Some people experience a "spiritual birth" like Paul. For others the spirit birth is gradual, looking back to one stage in your life compared to the present you can detect the change. If you surch for God with all of your heart then you...
  7. Legroom

    How can we know if we are born again?

    That's nonsense added to the Bible by a fanatic.
  8. Legroom

    Did God change his mind?

    God is Absolute, Eternal, he is not constrained by time. God is everywhere and every-when.
  9. Legroom

    Nancy Pelosi warns GOP that a Democratic president could declare gun violence a national emergency

    Bypassing Federal citizenship requirements and border enforcement by setting up sanctuary cities, and even sanctuary states, working against ICE agents, leaves a serious president no other options. We do have a national emergency, we've had one for quite some time that has not been taken seriously.
  10. Legroom

    Senate Intel, GOP and Dems Agree: No collusion

    Here is something frightening to consider. Clinton did win the popular vote. Her campaign paid an anti-Trump, former Mi-6 British citizen to solicit questionable information from Russian agents, leaking that to the American press which damaged Trump. We might have never been able to find out...
  11. Legroom

    Senate Intel, GOP and Dems Agree: No collusion

    What a noble narrative you are parroting for them. Some see the "red flags" and "warning signs" of career swamp (D)'s who were in effect enablers for the crooked Clintons. A Secretary of State who sets up an off grid Email server so she can swap yoga pants ideas with her daughter? Some see that...
  12. Legroom

    Hitler was the Anti-Christ

    Anti-Christ was anyone who was anti--->Christ, its not a person to look out for.
  13. Legroom

    Senate Intel, GOP and Dems Agree: No collusion

    You have your facts wrong. Steele was hired after the DNC took over the op research that the (R)'s did on all the primary candidates. Trump dossier and Christopher Steele Main article: Trump–Russia dossier In September 2015, Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative...
  14. Legroom

    How did an Electron Evolve to Know When Man is Looking at It, and Thus Change It's Course?

    There is a very simple answer to this problem. God is the creator of the life that evolved from initial primitive forms that were planted on the earth when the planet reached a stage that life could be sustained. Its our fault (religion) for making the false claim that God wrote the Israelites...
  15. Legroom

    Just how soon is "soon"?

    Just like there were erroneous expectations for a "Jewish Messiah" who would sit in David's seat and rule the world, so do there appear to be false expectations about the Son of God to soon return. The kingdom established 2,000 years ago by Jesus is spiritual. The Sons rightful place is on high...
  16. Legroom

    God Really Made the Universe In Six Days

    No, the 6 days comes from the ancient story that Adam and Eve, who came to the evolved earth, spent their first 6 days getting to know their new home in the garden that had been prepared for them by the inhabitants of the earth. On the seventh day they rested. The devil had fallen already...
  17. Legroom

    The trinity is foundational, not an option

    Jesus never taught that he was the 2nd person of an indivisible Trinity. The Trinity would have collapsed if 1/3 of it left and became a baby human. Antichrist were those who deny Jesus was the Christ, it has nothing to do with the Trinity.
  18. Legroom

    Even After Accepting Christ I Still Feel So Broken

    "No matter how far down the scale we have gone we will see how our experience can benefit others." We are all cracked vestals, the depth of our failure may have been the thing that lead us to be sick of ourselves and return to God. One day we may encounter someone who will benefit from...
  19. Legroom

    What did Jesus mean when He told Peter he was the rock he would build his church upon?

    The context of "the rock" was the fact that the Father bore witness to the identity of the Son. Jesus built his church/kingdom on this conviction that each believer comes to experience in our faith in Christ. Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah 13 When Jesus came to the region of...