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  1. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    Thank you:pray: This helps me consider those I disagree with, too, that they are not caricatures...but loved by God.
  2. GOD Shines Forth!

    Walmart To Employees, "White is not Right"

    It was and is. Great company that people stay at for decades. I was a "newb" at 22 years. So many 35-40 year employees at my huge station.
  3. GOD Shines Forth!

    Walmart To Employees, "White is not Right"

    Everybody has a story to tell. I know what I know and enjoy my relationship with many other humans who just happen to be black. They refuse to have their experience re-framed to fit some narrative, why on earth would I?
  4. GOD Shines Forth!

    Walmart To Employees, "White is not Right"

    Having worked at FedEx for decades (now retired), among a sea of people who just happened to be black, none of that rings true in my experience. All the modern nonsense about race had no place there. We were all too busy working our tails off and making $$$ to get caught up in that.
  5. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    I'm not "fatalistic", else why would I contend on these matters? I have responsibilities, too. For example, my friend who has Parkinson's. I've watched it take him from an active runner to a slow crawl. When I visit I do things for him he would have never asked me to do him...
  6. GOD Shines Forth!

    Walmart To Employees, "White is not Right"

    Government, Education (so called), and Business becoming one hive mind, preaching the same warped message du jour.
  7. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    So I’m entitled to your opinion? It comes as no surprise I have one too! Viva la difference.
  8. GOD Shines Forth!

    Purity Culture

    I’m not seeing that much "purity" out there among the young people I know. But to your OP, there will always persist a double standard where men can dally but women cannot. They will be seen as tainted. Or "passed around" as I heard recently from a young man whose girlfriend left him to...
  9. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    That was your choice, the right one for your family. I despise the Covid Busybody approach, though, which would have forced you to do so if it could have. Freedom of choice is so important.
  10. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    Death waits for no man. Got it. This misses the point, which is the right to self-determination of the Amish approach. Inordinate fear of death—the product of unbelief—does not cripple that community as easily as it does some. I find that an overwhelming positive contrasted with many other...
  11. GOD Shines Forth!

    LAPD: To Protect And To Serve, but only if they won't vaccinate

    How is that a problem? I would think that would save someone a lot of wasted time (incompatibility).
  12. GOD Shines Forth!

    Has anyone seen a refutation of this list?

    If there is, it won’t come from the Pfizer/Moderna bunch (or anyone else swimming in mammon).
  13. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    I know not what it means. Now back to the OP…you got anything to offer about that, M'am?
  14. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    That’s what we ALL get to do. Unbelief produces the despairing attitude, the inordinate fear of death and the ingratitude towards God that make it such a slog for some.
  15. GOD Shines Forth!

    Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down, Shuttering Churches

    Why so cynical, Bradskii? Lockdowns got ya...down? I'll take some good report wherever I find it. You are free to reject it in favor of your native cheer.