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Search results

  1. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Biblical evidence for penance and co-redemptive suffering

    I just very recently returned to my Catholic faith. I was talking to a friend of mine about my recent visit to church when we were discussing what churches could do and be open social distancing wise. Not thinking, I mentioned that my penance was a half hour visit after my Confession. Then...
  2. worshipjunkie

    What are you reading?

    The Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen, and The Way of Divine Love.
  3. worshipjunkie

    Suicidal Feelings

    If the suicidal feelings or thoughts get more intense or more frequent, PLEASE go into your local ER. That's not a step anyone wants to take but trust me, it's a million times better then the alternative- either an attempt or completed suicide. We all care about you and will be praying for...
  4. worshipjunkie

    Please pray for a family who just lost their son

    This family who I used to be really close to just lost their 15 year old son without any warning and so far, they don't know how he died, he just went unresponsive and died. Please pray for the family.
  5. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    Thank you, everyone, for your input and help. I'd be going to Confession if I could. I prayed a very sincere Act of Contrition, and I plan on going to Confession as soon as the churches are offering Confession again. I also prayed the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity. I'm surprised at how...
  6. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    I was hoping to reconcile, so no. Now that it's clear that's not going to happen I'm certainly going to look into it.
  7. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    Not so much anger at God. I was angry at the Church, that I followed their teachings and it turned out like this. And the church that I went to. I'm not going to go into all that happened, but I'd been at this church 13 of the 15 years I was Catholic and considered them family, and then they...
  8. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    That could definitely be it. I didn't so much try to keep track of anything because I didn't think you could really tell the difference between mortal and venial so I just went to Confession because I was afraid of self-deception.
  9. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    And I can get that. I don't agree with that it's once and done. People leave the faith all the time, as I well know. Then you get into the "well, they weren't really saved" which can be mind-twisting if the person has left more then once or they had been a Christian a really long time." What...
  10. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    My problem with that is I was a convert. I read a great deal, entering the Church. At one point, I probably had about 250 books on Catholicism and even more digitally. I even still have some of the books because I got them in the divorce and I couldn't find anyone to take them (I have issues...
  11. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    Thanks for responding! I've been reading and praying and thinking, and it has included the Creed and Scripture. That's actually one of my objections to faith in general; I've bounced around so much I've heard a hundred different interpretations for any one issue. How do you know which ones...
  12. worshipjunkie

    [Catholics only] Wanting to come back but just can't believe

    Hi. I'm a convert to Catholicism, and I was a devout Catholic for about 15 or 16 years. But I left after a suicide attempt and an unwanted divorce and for various time periods have been either a Protestant or practicing non-Christian religions. But COVID-19 has made me think. I'm a higher...
  13. worshipjunkie

    Questions about UMC re: beliefs and worship

    Ok, I thought so. That wouldn't be an issue for me but it's good to know.
  14. worshipjunkie

    Questions about UMC re: beliefs and worship

    Yes, this helped a lot. Thank you so much.
  15. worshipjunkie

    Questions about UMC re: beliefs and worship

    Thank you very much. That really helps me get some of the basics!
  16. worshipjunkie

    Questions about UMC re: beliefs and worship

    Hi, I'm a moderate to liberal Christian looking for a church. Our local UMC is big, has a lot of people, and is near the bus station (the latter being a critical issues. :) ) But I know nothing about the UMC. My experience is largely either Salvation Army, traditional Catholic, or...
  17. worshipjunkie

    Struggling- could use prayers

    Thank you, everyone, for your prayers. Today has been much better.
  18. worshipjunkie

    Struggling- could use prayers

    I'm really struggling with suicidal thoughts right now. I have bipolar disorder and I'm having some life stressors. I have a doctor and a therapist and they're both aware of the situation. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated.
  19. worshipjunkie

    baby early

    Praying for strength and comfort and for the right people to come into the situation to help them.
  20. worshipjunkie

    Pending PCOS Diagnosis
