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  1. V

    Prayer for leaders and the world's future

    Don't want to spam more topic creations, which unfortunately I am guilty of in the past on this site. I watched a video yesterday that gave me a kind of epiphany. I pray and want others to pray and know that I realize that pornography usage and production (in the narrower strict sense of the...
  2. V

    What is currently on your mind?

    Why can't there be more of a scenario like the tables turning and the oppressed peoples take something away from the wicked that tortured and persecuted them, so they give them a taste of their own medicine and make them feel how they did?
  3. V

    What is currently on your mind?

    I can't be the only one on here who feels like Heaven or New Earth (if you prefer) is somewhat pointless in a way. The basic point of it I keep hearing from everybody else is that everything we long for and hope to have solved down here wouldn't matter either way when we get there... from where...
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    What is currently on your mind?

    I really think evil is winning at least in this world. I still consider that bad.
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    What is currently on your mind?

    I also wish that the score for what evil has been done on mass scale could be settled prior to the end.
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    What is currently on your mind?

    I'm concerned about the end happening in the immediate future of my lifetime, and I'm at a stage where I'm still somewhat "fresh" at life and haven't lived the kind of life I thought I'd have ahead of me. I know other Christians say they look forward to the end because of getting to see their...
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    Why did God even have or want to wait 6000 years for humans to screw up only to destroy it and create everything brand new in the end? It sounds like a silly gambit to me. Why couldn't he have just start everything over after Adam and Eve have sinned instead of continuing to allow new people to...
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    Why is there suffering if God is real?

    I can't help either but think God is using and testing us as an experiment in some way and he doesn't necessarily want us to be happy here to speak. And not only is there suffering and evil on an extreme scale (and scope) but we see no apparent justice for it and the only justice they will get...
  9. V

    America’s Stunning Embrace Of Paganism Signals The End Of This Country As We Know It

    I resent that I have to live in this era of time of a dying civilization. It is like suffering a collective cancer. Got to say that I have a little envy for the older generations that grew up and fought their wars and lived in the heyday, they are glad they are dying and don't have to see the...
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    The Fall of the West (It's Happening Now)

    These people will not ever face justice either, except for Hell maybe. But what's the point of that?
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    The Fall of the West (It's Happening Now)

    Those who didn't want to use political methods didn't change it in a noticeable way either.
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    The Fall of the West (It's Happening Now)

    All the Christian spreading of peace and love didn't stop or slow down the collapse from happening, in fact the factors leading to it just grew unchecked.
  13. V

    I keep losing my faith.

    I'm praying for you very much.
  14. V

    One-world government

    I'm exhausted from life. Either God will nudge something in motion that will cause society to become relatively great again or if it just going to get worse and worse until the end I just don't feel the will to live anymore. It is like depression.
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    The Fall of the West (It's Happening Now)

    I wish God will change this country, but so far it looks like he is just allowing the evil and darkness to complete it's natural conclusion. The very sad part is a lot of it is being done on purpose and they are now very emboldened. It might also well be too late unless there is a very radical...
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    One-world government

    I want to tell everybody that I am sorry for going off, sometimes I have really bad days.
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    One-world government

    I'm very depressed about having to spectate the things happening to this world right now. I feel like if part of God's "plan" consist of this world turning into all bad and dark with nothing redeemable and the worst persecution imaginable, I don't want to be part of God's plan and frankly, it...
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    Conservatives are a failure

    So much for our neutral free will. We might as well say we have "self will".
  19. V

    Conservatives are a failure

    I will argue that while we are in a falling away from belief, the major negative events over the course of the 20th century and maybe a few things in the century before that just exacerbated what was already gradually happening. And I will say that atheists in themselves are not ill-intended...
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    Conservatives are a failure

    All of it is generally true but I would still bet a majority of conservatives especially (if we are or are not including more libertarian ones) are at least implicitly Christian.