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  1. Arielle Hernandez

    Is Eloping an Option?

    That's a fair point. Lust isn't a big problem between us, and I'd say we've been handling it well so far, I just hoped there might have been a possible way for us to marry so we wouldn't have to deal with it for so long. Thank you for the advice though, it's definitely something for us to think...
  2. Arielle Hernandez

    Is Eloping an Option?

    Hello everyone! Before I go into the actual question, here is some context. I am currently 19 and engaged to the most amazing man of God I have ever met. Just to touch on his character, he is caring, loyal, encouraging, God-fearing, and we have very similar interests and goals. We courted each...
  3. Arielle Hernandez

    What was the whole point of my situation if nothing came out of it?

    I know how you feel. Receiving mixed emotions are the worst, and if you realize that you have feelings for someone or something, I've found through personal experience that sometimes the desire to have that person or thing kind of clouds my mind to what God is truly saying, which is never good...
  4. Arielle Hernandez

    Please help...

    If I'm being honest, I don't know. I can only imagine what I've already experienced with people or what I've read in the bible (guidance, miracles, and hearing God's voice) which I can't really say I've experienced personally.
  5. Arielle Hernandez

    Please help...

    I suppose I do, now that I think about it. Just the fact that I'm here asking questions and receiving answers gives me some hope and proves that he's working.
  6. Arielle Hernandez

    Please help...

    My life has been good, I've never gone hungry or been homeless or experienced any kind of loss in my family. I have good relationships with my family and I have good friends that hold me accountable and are trying to help me with this issue. Even with all of this though, I've struggled to see...
  7. Arielle Hernandez

    Please help...

    I have been straying away from God and his word recently, not intentionally, I just had so many questions and so many doubts all at once and without answers or guidance, I slowly found myself falling away. I admit that I never have truly enjoyed attending church or worshiping (though there are...
  8. Arielle Hernandez

    Long Distance Relationships?

    Hello everyone! I'm just curious, what do you all think about romantic relationships that run long distances? More specifically, how do you think a couple in that kind of relationship should operate, especially for two Christians? What are your opinions on relationships that have started online...
  9. Arielle Hernandez

    Should Everyone Read the Bible from Cover-to-Cover

    I personally believe that a Christian should try to read the Bible from cover-to-cover at least once. It may take months or years depending on the person and the level of their understanding, but it should be done to fully grasp the nature of God. I know some people who have read the entire...
  10. Arielle Hernandez

    What would you do if...?

    Maybe you're just coming off a bit too strong? I know for me personally, I don't give away my phone number or social media when I've just met someone. It might be better to get to know the person first. Find out their name and converse with them. Be friendly and first make an honest friend out...
  11. Arielle Hernandez

    Friends in the Faith

    I do attend a youth group but it's only once a week and sometimes I'm not able to go because of homework and stuff. I do try to make friends there but I don't relate to too many people besides maybe a few friendly people that I can relate to. I've noticed that a lot of teenagers both in youth...
  12. Arielle Hernandez

    What's your favorite anime series?

    It's hard to pick a favorite, I honestly love every anime I have seen so far, but if I had to pick one... I'd probably say Your Lie in April because it's a show I can relate to (me being a violinist myself) I could really feel the pain and frustration and anxiety of the characters as they...
  13. Arielle Hernandez

    Friends in the Faith

    Absolutely! Thanks for the input, I very much appreciate it. :) Not that I won't be friends with anything else than what I described, I just know that with life there must be a balance. I have a couple of really good friends at school who encourage me in my work and support me in the things I...
  14. Arielle Hernandez

    Friends in the Faith

    Hello everyone. I imagine that I'm not the only person struggling with this, but I am a 16-year-old girl and rather introverted. Although I won't push people away when trying to start a conversation, I'm not normally the type to go up to people and say "hello". I try to be friendly...