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  1. setst777

    Understanding the Trinity

    To us, the Christian Church, there is only one God the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6), but God's being includes His Word and His Spirit, both of whom are identified as personages in the NT, and who both proceed forth from God's being (John 8:42; John 15:26) to manifest God and to make happen all...
  2. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Lord Jesus calls sinners to repentance, not the righteous. Yes, we (believers) were reconciled to God by the death of his Son. No one that I know of disagrees with that, but Paul taught that this reconciliation with God by Christ's death is for those who believe (we). That is the Gospel -...
  3. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Thanks for explaining your position. And your position is the opposite of what Scripture plainly states: Romans 5:1-2 (WEB) Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace [reconciliation] with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; 2 through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace...
  4. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Yes, I agree.
  5. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Justification comes before reconciliation, and justification is by faith. Romans 5:1-2 (WEB) Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace [reconciliation] with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; 2 through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice...
  6. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    God came to save sinners who will believe on him. Lord Jesus did not come to save unbelievers. John 3:16 (WEB) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life The Gospel, which is repeated all through the...
  7. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Not according to the Scriptures. Lord Jesus came to save sinners, and his death on the cross was payment for our sins, so that those who believe may be cleansed of their sins and so be reconciled to God. Believers do sin, and all sin is wickedness. Christ died for our sins, so that those...
  8. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    "Colossians 1:21" is part of the context as follows: Colossians 1: 21 Once you [the believers] were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without...
  9. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    No, they are not the same thing. Our act of believing in God does not negate our sins that make us enemies of God, because God's justice had not yet been satisfied. So, even though a sinner believes, they are still alienated and enemies, because their sins had not yet been paid for. Lord Jesus...
  10. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Partially correct. "Romans 5:1-10" does not say they were unbelieving, but rather that they were sinners, enemies of God because of sin, and that the sinner was justified by faith, accessing God's gracious gift of salvation by faith (Romans 5:1-2). You can't quote "Romans 5:10" as if it was...
  11. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    What condition? We [believers] were enemies of God, being dead in sin, when we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son. Colossians 1:20-23 (WEB) 21 You [Believers], being in past times alienated and enemies in your mind in your evil deeds, 22 yet now he has reconciled in the body of his...
  12. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    The death of His Son reconciles to God those who "were" enemies to God. They were enemies, but no longer, because they are believers. The death of Christ will only reconcile to God those who believe in Lord Jesus. John 3:16 (WEB) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only...
  13. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    The condition of the "we," "us," and "our" in Romans 5 are the believers who were dead in sin, but after believing, have passed out of death onto life. John 5:24 (WEB) Most certainly I tell you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and doesn’t come into judgment...
  14. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Believers are reconciled to God because of Christ's sacrifice of himself for the sins of the world. Therefore, the "we" who believe are now reconciled to God by Christ, through faith in him. Romans 5:1-2 (ENIV) 1 Therefore, since we have been {{{justified through faith}}} we have peace with...
  15. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Not "they" but "we." Paul is addressing believers, not unbelievers. Christ paid for the reconciliation by his shed blood on the cross for all people, and it is by faith, that *we* (Believers) received that reconciliation, being *justified by faith.* Romans 5:1-2 (ENIV) 1 Therefore, since we...
  16. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Not "they" but "we." The "we" are those who now believe. Lord Jesus purchased reconciliation by his blood, and the sinner is reconciled to God, being declared righteous, by faith in Lord Jesus. Romans 5:8-11 (WEB) 8 But God commends his own love toward us [all sinful humanity], in that while...
  17. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Yes, I agree with what you wrote here. In other words, "granted" does not mean a "gift" that God is causing in those he elected; rather, "granted" means, as you wrote, "blessed privileges" to not only believe in him but to suffer for him as well.
  18. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    You don't have to know Greek, because I plainly gave you the evidence to view for yourself. While various scholars have their views based on their religious affiliation, the Scriptures do not lie or take sides. The "passive tense" for "granted" is really the key to understanding the verse so...
  19. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Great. You can write to yourself then.
  20. setst777

    Reconciled to God while enemies !

    Great, I will leave you to your pink elephants.