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  1. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    Is not the whole Christian life a call to repentance? Regarding LGBT, and my own Facebook feed in particular, my friends who post about LGBT are either, "Accept them & encourage them to do everything they want to do", or "Reject what they do, and if you reject the people in the process, so be...
  2. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    Btw, the app I'm using is called Lumii, and I just discovered a rainbow font that works in well here.
  3. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    How's this? Btw, I thought John 8:11 was an excellent addition, balancing love of the person with recognition of sin: “...neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
  4. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    How's this? It's a public domain image, just to honor Romans 13. For my caption when posting, I want to say something like, "I will not celebrate Pride Month, but that doesn't equal hate. To accept every person, without accepting every ideology, is letting compassion & moral truth live in...
  5. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    Under the forum rules, we're not allowed to debate the morality of homosexuality, just it's political & cultural influence. So the assumption behind this post is, homosexual actions are inherently wrong, but the people who commit them are still (like us) sinners in need of redemption, sinners...
  6. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Which denomination is the right one?

    A very good question...with a LOT of different answers you may receive!! Catholic here...and the most distinctive thing about Catholicism, as opposed to every other Christian denomination, is the Pope. As such, if we can prove that Jesus established the role of Pope, with the intent that all...
  7. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Church & Sport: A Christian Perspective

    An intriguing addition to the Vatican's many offices, is the office on Church & Sport. I just want to share their document (Giving the Best of Yourself), a little news clip about this office, and open the floor for any & all discussion about the relationship between Christianity & sports...
  8. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    What is your short story or one sentence, Why Do You love God?

    To dare put such a huge question into one sentence... I love God because He loved me first. To expand a little, from 1 sentence to a short story... Why do we love anything we love? Countless songs & stories have been written about falling in love, and quite a few of them marvel at how love...
  9. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Catholic Bluegrass at the Grand Ole Opry :)

    The Hillbilly Thomists is a fine group of Dominican priests that make bluegrass music. Here's their performance at the Grand Ole Opry: And they have 3 albums!
  10. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayers for Wisdom with my Wealth

    So I'm at that noble "young adult" stage, just getting set with a good job, but my expenses are still really low. So I don't have terribly much money, but I'm making more than I in the grand scheme of things, I'm filthy rich. So I ask for prayers...for myself, and for all others who...
  11. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    A veterans day prayer

    May Christ be with them all...especially those who never came home.
  12. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayer for a non-christian friend...

    Praying as requested. Glad to hear you've been a little more open to God's love through this situation, too. May your acceptance of her help her understand Jesus' acceptance of her a little more.
  13. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    A true Christian drama--my writing of a difficult situation

    First & foremost, I want to ask for prayers...what I have written & am sharing here is true, and it's painful to admit to, but therapeutic to write out, and I pray that you who read it may find some spiritual blessing within the lessons I've learned & the story I lived. It's very much a work in...
  14. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayers for someone who exploited me :(

    Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies...and I never realized what a tall task that was, until all this happened. Suffice it to say, I took a risk, trying to really be Christ for someone who needed it. In return, one thing led to another, and I ended up being exploited by someone for 3 weeks...
  15. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayers for a potential trafficking situation

    I do not know for sure if the man was being trafficked...but I had enough reason to believe he was under someone else's control that I gave all the information I had to the National Human Trafficking Hotline on an online form. What I had is not enough to build a case, barely enough to identify...
  16. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Pray for my potential scammer

    If these men were legit, I gave enough money to get one guy to see his dying daughter in the hospital, and another enough to keep the lights on in his house, this protecting him from losing custody of his children. If legit, I ask for prayers that the one man see his daughter in time, and the...
  17. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Why not pray for a million dollars?

    Suppose they ask this follow-up question.... If it's "his will", and I'll get it, why pray at all?
  18. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Why not pray for a million dollars?

    Recently, I posted on a very general forum, not inherently religious, but religious topics were still within the boundaries of what to post. I had interviewed for a job a couple weeks before, and requested prayers that I would hear back soon & be accepted. A truly beautiful pocket of faith...
  19. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    It's never been easier to be a missionary

    Thank you all for your replies. 4 different angles on the same thing I brought up, but all encouraging to do it & challenging me to do it well. Thank you, I appreciate it.
  20. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    It's never been easier to be a missionary

    Right now, in the eastern US, it's about 10:00pm. Chances are, if you're not asleep right now, you're just chilling with your phone or laptop or TV. Which is fine; God built is in such a way that down time is good for our bodies, which are temples of His Holy Spirit. Even so...a little too...