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  1. D

    Sola Scriptura defined....

    I came back after a long stint in atheism. And when I was comparing religions, I learned the wisdom of a Magisterium. Have you ever tried to find the true meaning of Hinduism. If you think Protestantism is fragmented, you ain't seen nothin'.
  2. D

    If the Left finds U.S. Government evil and racist, then why let it control our guns?

    What would be a good gun control law, in your opinion? Personally, I think the less gun control, the better. My reason is the wording of the Constitution. It says, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...
  3. D

    What does Mark 10:15 mean?

    A little child is poor and needs everything. He looks to his parents for everything. That is how we are to look towards God. Realizing our littleness and powerlessness before Him. By being humble and allowing God to be God: James 4:10 [Full Chapter] Humble yourselves in the sight of the...
  4. D

    The thief on the cross

    Not at that moment. When he died, he joined the group of Jews who were awaiting heaven in Abraham's bosom. When Jesus died, He descended to the dead and baptized them with the Spirit and fire (essentially led them through Purgatory, ) then allowed them into heaven. 1 Peter 1:7 That the trial...
  5. D

    Are we saved by our faith or by faith + something else?

    I think you're wrong. This might be the way that you interpret the Bible, but there are other interpretations. The one to which I subscribe is the one which has been historically held by Christians from the time of Christ. And, in fact, by the Hebrews before Christ. EX 20:6 And shewing mercy...
  6. D

    Addressing the status of the Apocrypha pre Trent

    You too, Bill. What do you mean by that? The Council of Florence was an ecumenical Council which infallibly defined the inspired books of the Bible. Look up the Council of Florence. It is an ecumenical Council. Thus, the definitions of that Council, are infallible. 1. St. Jerome was...
  7. D

    Sola Scriptura defined....

    I asked several questions. Are you talking about this one? You said: My question: That question is precisely to the point of historical SS. In both cases, the people of God came before the Scripture. First God chose the Jews and gave them a Law. Then, they wrote Scripture through many...
  8. D

    Mary, the Rosary and Scripture (question)

    Hi, I don't know if anyone has answered your question, but since I used to wonder about it myself, I thought I'd reply. They are both in the same verse. In order to understand it, you need to be familiar with Catholic Doctrine and other verses of the Bible. First, the Assumption of Mary says...
  9. D

    Sola Scriptura defined....

    Good day, Bill. Thanks. Agreed. Agree with that, as well. Do we discover the Church in Scripture? Or do we discover Scripture in the Church? Not really. Let's focus on that for a minute. What was St. Paul doing? He was essentially following the example of Jesus Christ on the Road...