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  1. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    I know this is several years after my first post but I want to thank you so much for your support. We separated for a bit then he promised to be better. Unfortunately over the years things got worse. I saw two priests for support and they both told me that since it was not safe at home that it...
  2. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    Thank you. I asked him this morning just as he was leaving for work if he could spend time at his parents' house but he ignored me as if I was not in the room. I then asked his mom if she could invite him to spend some time there until he can figure out a way to deal with his anger towards me...
  3. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    Thank you for the welcome and for letting me know about the private area. Everyone here is so supportive and you are giving me many things to reflect upon that I had not previously considered.
  4. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    He isn't an alcoholic (we usually only have alcohol with guests). I hope he is trying not to separate but am not sure if he loves me anymore. He really likes his job but is considering switching to a new one that is closer to home so he does have some stress with that. If he switches jobs we...
  5. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    Thank you, I will look to see what I can find to get him help. I am not sure if he would be willing to get help but nothing will change if I don't try.
  6. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    I think you are right. It makes sense that something else is going on. He has always been very concerned about health but this does not make sense. I am not sure what else it would be but I am hoping he will eventually talk to me and maybe I can find out if there is an underlying issue.
  7. B

    scared and don't know what to do

    Hi, I have never posted here before but found this website when looking for support. I am hoping someone can help me. I have been married for almost 11 years and have 3 year old twins. Our relationship has had ups and downs but it has never been this bad before. My husband is furious with...