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  1. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Of course science can't explain everything, but that does not mean that it can't explain a lot of things, especially observable and testable matters in Earth science. My views on Genesis work with science, so I am not really concerned as there is not a disagreement in my theology and the...
  2. tampasteve

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    ADMIN HAT ON This thread is closed due to multiple violations of goading, flaming, Contempt of Christianity, and other issues. ADMIN HAT OFF
  3. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    It is a miracle and a foundational belief that Jesus: the Only-Begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of Light; True God of True God;Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father by whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from Heaven, and...
  4. tampasteve

    Joined the KofC - Good or Bad

    I believe most councils meet at the parish, not in a hall/lodge. I know here most all of the councils are based out of parish churches and use the social hall or room at the church. One can simply reach out, that is what I did. No one ever called or emailed me when I left, just like the rest...
  5. tampasteve

    Joined the KofC - Good or Bad

    Except the part about the secret stuff being weird, it most certainly is not. It's not even secret, it is pretty easy to find online.
  6. tampasteve

    4 of the Craziest Catholic Rules You've Never Heard Of

    IIRC most all reptiles are OK during Lent, not just aquatic ones. Also capybara and beaver, I think.
  7. tampasteve

    Joined the KofC - Good or Bad

    Just to chime back in :) The KoC tends to do a lot of fundraiser type events for the parish, they are known for the fish fry on Friday's during Lent - which is generally their largest event and fundraiser during the year. The funds that are raised go to various parish activities and groups...
  8. tampasteve

    Which denomination is the right one?

    ADMIN HAT ON Let's get this thread back on track please. The topic is not The Trail of Blood. ADMIN HAT OFF
  9. tampasteve

    Joined the KofC - Good or Bad

    I was a third degree KoC. I can only speak highly of the parish organization and the good things they do in the community. They did weekly prayer and group rosary with the parish priest as well as before any meetings. The "rites" are fun and nothing concerning in the least, it is not a red flag...
  10. tampasteve

    I'm a 35-year-old man from India

    Welcome, I hope that you find the community you are looking for. FWIW, some of us do agree with evolution, to a degree. Theistic evolution is not incompatible with Christianity, I subscribe a version of it myself.
  11. tampasteve

    Exodus evidence

    "a lot of it is literally not true?" is probably a stretch. Much depends on how one interprets a passage or section, the Bible can be inerrant and contain passages that are intended to be taken allegorically or instructive and not as history, but some people choose to view it as literal...
  12. tampasteve

    Another look at the moon landing.

    ADMIN HAT ON A couple of posts have been removed. Keep it kind, keep it friendly and on topic. ADMIN HAT OFF
  13. tampasteve

    Exodus evidence

    Yikes....Ron Wyatt....
  14. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Ha, I am outside all the time. As I mentioned, I am an amateur fossil hunter, so I am in the field looking at this stuff first hand. And you are right, the Earth is amazing.
  15. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    I guess that we are going to have to agree to disagree here. I used to be a YEC and I used to believe that "God just created it all the way that it is", but I did my research both in written data and in the field, and I just can't see that to be true, it just does not make any sense based on the...
  16. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    I am sorry, then you have been researching with a biased eye and choose to ignore the science, tossing it aside as false because it does not support your view of the scriptures (but for record, it does support my view of the scriptures). All fossils were not created in the last 6K years, it is...
  17. tampasteve

    I (an atheist) dreamt about becoming a Christian and I can’t stop thinking about it

    To the OP: Get a Bible, if you are not able to get a physical copy or you prefer digital there are a number of free Bible apps for phones and tablets or you can read online. Thrift stores or used book stores usually have Bibles for a couple of dollars/pounds, if you reach out to a local church...
  18. tampasteve

    I (an atheist) dreamt about becoming a Christian and I can’t stop thinking about it

    ADMIN HAT ON Some posts have been deleted, please note the rule for this forum: All advice should be given in the spirit of love and humility, extending grace and respect towards one another in an effort to encourage and uplift the member seeking advice. We would like this forum to remain a...
  19. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    certainly it is not. But recall, I am presenting a view of Genesis (and Exodus) that harmonizes the records we can see with what God has provided in scripture. Yes, well, not death by water necessarily, but covering by water or ash. But that is not really relevant to the fact that they exist...
  20. tampasteve

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Fair enough, and I am telling you how I read the scriptures and what the physical records seem to show what is. My view harmonizes, yours does not. No fossils that don't make sense? We can see the different layers and strata that the different ages/time periods of certain creatures existed in...