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  1. DaveHTexas

    I feel guilty for a promise I made her. Pretty sure most have been here...

    My first marriage was dead and I had grieved it out long before papers were filed. But I get what you are saying. Right now, I am not sure I will be physically able to fulfill the promise I made to her. I am being tested like crazy right now but it looks like I may have cancer and if it is as...
  2. DaveHTexas

    Recent widower, being tested for cancer.

    Lord let this be how I can stand for you, and if and when I am too weak to stand, bring me an Aaron to lift up my hands for you!
  3. DaveHTexas

    Recent widower, being tested for cancer.

    The title of the thread pretty much says it. But I have had some gut pain and recently a GI bleed started. Got the imagery done and got shoved over to oncology. And the first round of tests show some evidence of cancer. I had lost my wife back in July of last year, and while I am honestly...
  4. DaveHTexas

    What do we do with a deep desire to be married again?

    The desire I believe is absolutely normal. When your spouse passes away, they take with them everything that was them and your relationship with them, intimacy, companionship, friendship, a partner for doing life with. Yes we end up with twice the work, and half of everything else. I can...
  5. DaveHTexas

    referring to your deceased spouse

    The same way I did when she was alive. As my beautiful bride.
  6. DaveHTexas

    I feel guilty for a promise I made her. Pretty sure most have been here...

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be alone. But I don't want to just, well not sure how to explain this. I am not interested in anyone per se. There is one woman I know that I enjoy spending time with and enjoy her friendship, and I would like to develop the friendship more, but on a purely...
  7. DaveHTexas

    When did you remove your wedding ring?

    Not sure if I answered this already or not. My background is a bit different as I come from an Amish family (a couple of generations back but...) and jewlery always bothered me. I kid you not I tried getting her to agree to me growing my beard instead... She never went for it, we were always...
  8. DaveHTexas

    I feel guilty for a promise I made her. Pretty sure most have been here...

    As couples do, especially after funerals of close family members, we would talk about what would happen should one pass before the other, we were thinking 20+ years down the road but it is what it is... Anyway, my wife insisted that I promise her that I would find someone new, that I would go...
  9. DaveHTexas

    My husband died on the 5th October 2022

    I lost my beautiful wife in July last year as well. There is nothing I can possibly say to ease your pain, but I will encourage you to look back and see how God is carrying you through this. And if it is available near you, please consider going through Griefshare. It wasn't any kind of magic...
  10. DaveHTexas

    Question for other widowed. Other than griefshare, what helped?

    I am prayerful this will find those widowed that are much further along this walk than I am, but here goes nothing. I lost my beautiful wife of 15 years in July of this year. I have gone through griefshare, just finished it Monday actually. I know I have a long way to go, but I was hoping...
  11. DaveHTexas

    I am not a widow so feel free to move if wrong place.

    Being a widow, or a widower is a very specific thing. It means you were married, and you saw your marriage vows through to their ultimate conclusion. I am sorry to say that when you lose your other half, and if your parents marriage was a Godly marriage, they the two were one made so by God. So...
  12. DaveHTexas

    Widowers boundaries getting walked over. How to respond in the most Christ like fashion.

    The thought has occurred to me, yes... If you've not walked this path. When you lose your wife, missing the comforts of a woman does not even begin to describe it. I know that is a tempation I would be vulnerable to, and I know there are predators that prey upon widows and widowers. They...
  13. DaveHTexas

    Widowers boundaries getting walked over. How to respond in the most Christ like fashion.

    It is a funny situation in a way. But I totally get what you are saying. I admit would rather much expect the issue to be the other direction. The widows having trouble with widowers coming on to them too early. I have plainly restated my position, and hopefully it will be understood and...
  14. DaveHTexas

    Widowers boundaries getting walked over. How to respond in the most Christ like fashion.

    So background here. I am a widower as of this year. Just a few months. My late wife, the honest Gift from God was taken from me. I am dealing with the grief and adjustment through several means. Griefshare, diving headfirst into Gods word, and a widows / widowers support group. I am not now...
  15. DaveHTexas

    My wife died Sunday Dec 20,2020

    Brother, I know it's been a while for you now. Sorry I had not seen your post before. I just now came back on here to look for posts from widows / widowers to provide whatever comfort I can. Let me tell you about the dream of my wife after she passed. But before I do a little back story. We...
  16. DaveHTexas

    I'm now a widower. Now what?

    I am still here, chugging away. I am not going to lie and say I am doing okay. I'm not. I know where she is, and I KNOW God has every right to do whatever he wants. But if I am completely honest I am angry that he chose to take her now, instead of having us lead out lives serving him here for...
  17. DaveHTexas

    Almost 6 weeks since God took her.

    It never occurred to me to be specific about who her was. Yes Debi is my wife. I know the offers are sincere, but I honestly do not want to ruin everyones night. And even if nobody mentions here, the subject of her passing feels like a huge weight in the room. I simultaneously want to be...
  18. DaveHTexas

    Almost 6 weeks since God took her.

    It will be 6 weeks on Tuesday since God took her from my life. 6 of the worst weeks ever imagineable. I start Grief Share tonight, and am hopeful something good will come of it, but at least right now, my biggest struggle is being lonely in ways that words cannot express, even in a crowd of...
  19. DaveHTexas

    Struggling with lonliness since my wife passed away.

    I know it is part of the grieving process, but there are things that I DID enjoy doing that I just can't do now. Like play my bass. I literally pick it up, and can't bring myself to plug it in. Not sure why, just not motivated I guess...