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  1. Senkaku

    We are not saved by works?

    I should clarify by saying that it is not the sole catalyst for salvation, it can not be earned, its a gift. like, say you got a large sum of money as a gift, the only stipulation is that you have to pick it up at a facility/home or whatever. You picking it up doesn't mean you earned the gift...
  2. Senkaku

    We are not saved by works?

    We are not saved by our works but our works are the evidence of faith, which is why James goes on to say "show me your faith without your works and I'll show you my faith by my works". Its no different in any other topic in life. You say you like baseball, but you don't watch it. You say you...
  3. Senkaku


  4. Senkaku

    Slice of Sen

    oh, haha, yeah, not in this one. This was to represent that it was finally over, no more doubts, no more games, no more quessing, no more illusions...Just enjoying each others love for as long as it would last. What it would be like to find "the one" as they say.
  5. Senkaku

    It Was Impossible for Jesus to Sin

    Why then did the devil waste his time in tempting Him if he couldn't? Why then would He struggle in the Garden if He couldn't? If I ask a handicapped person to walk, they can't, any intelligent person would not ask such a question. Did you even read the scriptures I posted? Your answers sound...
  6. Senkaku

    It Was Impossible for Jesus to Sin

    just to be clear, I'm not saying is sinful flesh, just sating that, especially according to Hebrews, the possibly of sin was before him and it was a choice He could possibly make as part of His human nature. Without this possibility, His human nature is invalid. This is what I believe the...
  7. Senkaku

    It Was Impossible for Jesus to Sin

    What you said goes against the prayer in garden of Gethsemane. His sacrifice was only valid because of his flesh. If his flesh wasn't needed, then there was no reason for Him to come down at all. You're not thinking this through thoroughly. The passage I just gave you is a direct counter to what...
  8. Senkaku

    It Was Impossible for Jesus to Sin

    1 john 4:2-3 simply put, it is not biblical to believe that. It negates the sacrifice.
  9. Senkaku

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Got Really Annoying Turkey's Yesterday YESRT
  10. Senkaku

    Biblical proof of Mary's virginity

    @Chrétien de Troyes are you talking before or after Jesus? before Jesus, yeah, after Jesus, no.
  11. Senkaku

    How could Abraham be the father of faith?

    To give a little context, say you were sitting down in your living room and then one day a voice that you have never heard before in your life tells you to get up and leave your house and family and follow it to a land you've never been to before. Now be honest, would your first reaction be that...
  12. Senkaku

    Kitty Habit's

    pfft, haha, no shame here, I do it in front of my friends too sometimes. I don't really see a difference in what some others might do with their pets. The only difference being that because it's vocalized, some might find it different or odd. but hey, I am not responsible for the way people...
  13. Senkaku

    Kitty Habit's

    So this is more to satisfy my curiosities. I was with my cat the other day and I was tugging on her ear with my teeth when it made me wonder...what are some habit's we have with our pets. This is more for cat owners but others can jump in if you want. so, a few things I do to start off... fake...
  14. Senkaku

    Christianity with traits of Buddhism, is it possible?

    @NW82 hmm...I would think it would be closer to philosophical Daoism than bhuddism. We as Christians follow whats called secular asceticism, seen in the passages that refer to our relationship with the world like not being of this world, being aliens and strangers, loving the world mean you dont...
  15. Senkaku

    Using a rosary

    @pepey05 It's not the tool that matters, but the heart of prayer behind it. If you are more comfortable using a tool for prayer and it is helping you to draw closer to God and building up your faith, then go for it. If the tool itself is hindering your faith or causing you to go into an...
  16. Senkaku

    Unleash Your Rage Game!!!!

    BRINNY!!! I've had enough of your shenanigans!!!!!
  17. Senkaku

    Unleash Your Rage Game!!!!

    Teagan! I stubbed my toe, it's all your fault!!! ROAR!!!!
  18. Senkaku

    Unleash Your Rage Game!!!!

    Brinny is so evil!!! :sad:
  19. Senkaku

    What's on your mind?

    haha, thanks. I just love how deep the lyrics are and the musical style. It's funny you mention Kadosh because I was going to play that for Sunday. I'm actually not sure who wrote it. I have not heard of Joshua Aaron before but I will look him up, I'm always on the lookout for some good...
  20. Senkaku

    Unleash Your Rage Game!!!!

    AAHH!!! TAKE THIS!!!!