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  1. Pagan


    The Bible has more than one derivative about the nature of God, with the Trinity being the most important. A second derivative begins with God as the wind, God as a cloud, or God as a rock. At first I thought of these as metaphors, but I wonder if ancient people must have thought of them as...
  2. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    Well, that's what I think. I wonder how many Christians will agree.
  3. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    The Bible does speak of inanimate objects having an animate nature, for example wind. The Bible's translators translate the word breath or wind with the English word spirit. The term Spirit of God in Genesis 1 could translate as Powerful Wind. Exodus 3 speaks of an angel in a burning bush. If...
  4. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    Yes, you said that before, and I think it is a reasonable interpretation. However, modern people would see it that way because modern people don't believe in animate objects like King Arthur's Excalibur or Hogwart's hat. People like me who think of everything, even rocks, as having a spirit...
  5. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    As near as I can tell, Christians associate the serpent with Satan or some kind of fallen angel because of something mentioned in Revelations. A cherub is another kind of angel. Christians think of angels as something higher than humans. The trees don't have a rank in the order of beings; I...
  6. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    Thanks for the information.
  7. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    That's a typo; a rather obvious one I would have thought. Should have been Acts 23:8, which is the one that was under discussion.
  8. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    The angels and spirits of Acts 23:8.
  9. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    Do we know what kind of spirits or angels Paul had in mind?
  10. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    In Acts 23:8 the Sadducees appear to take a modern view of higher creatureswhen Paul tells the Sanhedrin that the Sadducees say ... that there are neither angels nor spirits ... .
  11. Pagan


    I had not thought of the possibility that Jesus brought the Holy Spirit. Since both Psalms and Isaiah use the term, Holy Spirit, the idea of Holy Spiritness appears to me to have arrived before Jesus. The Bible uses the term, Spirit of God, for example in Genesis 1, and it uses the term, Spirit...
  12. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    So, Paul may have meant, " ... a woman ought to have authority over her own head because of the angels" who "saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." That does suggest that Paul's concern about hair style must have related to fertility.
  13. Pagan

    Higher Creatures

    In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul says that men should not cover their heads and that women should cover their heads. He says, " ... every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved." I heard a sermon in which the preacher explained...
  14. Pagan


    This posting moved to another thread.
  15. Pagan


    You have a non-traditional view. I think that most Christians would not recognize it as having anything about the Trinity.
  16. Pagan


    Imaginary things like geometric figures and words have bodies of points or phonemes, even though they have no physical bodies. Spiritual things might have spiritual bodies, but maybe that would be necessary.
  17. Pagan


    Thanks for the information.
  18. Pagan


    I have heard of God having an essence, which is a thing that exists in a thing rather than being a thing itself. If, as the Bible says rather ad nauseam, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are God, then they are three persons with the same essence, like a throne, a stool, and a porch swing, which are...
  19. Pagan


    1 Peter 2:8 “A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” Offers another example of how the Bible uses two words that mean the same thing in one verse.
  20. Pagan


    This is the first time I have heard anyone refer to God as being in a thing (or in three things) rather than being itself, a thing. ... or a who in three whos rather than itself, a who. Don't use analogies, I learned in the first Trinity lesson. However, one might think of the Trinity as the...