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  1. GraceNationMIniss

    The Charismatic Gifts Debate (help wanted)

    Yes, John MacArthur talks alot on this in the book "Strange Fire" Good read aswell.
  2. GraceNationMIniss

    Feeling trapped

    Wow, what a situation. A few things I noticed during your story I want to point out to you. Good job, talking about God, I am so happy that you took that step, even if it didnt end the way you had imagined. Think of how many times paul had lost friendships due to his beliefs. If the relationship...
  3. GraceNationMIniss

    Annihalationism/ is hell really eternal?

    I also do agree with eternal Hell, however I have not extensively researched the topic, so my points may have no relevance. I think we can both agree however that if the soul dies, or if you are tortured forever, both of those suck, why? because of the absence of the presence of God. So I would...
  4. GraceNationMIniss

    How to Encourage?

    So... How should we encourage? Well this is a trick question in a sorts because there is no one specific way we should encourage, in fact there are many different ways that us Christians can encourage others 1. Learn individuals' "love languages," the special ways in which they feel most...
  5. GraceNationMIniss

    Why Encourage?

    Why should we go out of our way to encourage others? This is the first of 4 sermons and I am excited to bring you along this journey with me. Life is tough, and whether it is to take on a challenge or to deal with a setback or just to get up to face the day, we all can use some encouragement...
  6. GraceNationMIniss

    How do you encourage people?

    I just want some view points on how you encourage people in your lives?
  7. GraceNationMIniss

    Is there a Christian site someone can recomend for younger than 18

    I run a ministry and I am 18 years old, I gear myself towards younger audiences.
  8. GraceNationMIniss

    What Kind of Christian are you?

    Well... Well... Well... Do you understand the question yet? If not you sure will by the time I am done. Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission 16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some...
  9. GraceNationMIniss

    Grace Nation Ministries

    Digging Deeper Into Gods Word Together
  10. GraceNationMIniss

    God's Timing

    So I was planning to go into a local neighborhood and share the gospel with everyone that I came into contact with. So I gathered the guys and we walked into a place foreign to me to share the gospel. However how did the rest of my day go as I was leading up to this event. Well let me elaborate...
  11. GraceNationMIniss

    Feeling Guilty..

    Do you still feel guilty? Are you doing anything right now that makes you feel guilty? Or is just guiltiness from the past. Once you answer these I can help give you a Biblical response! I'm praying for you.
  12. GraceNationMIniss

    My Overwhelming Self-Hatred

    Thank you so much, thats encouragment. I really needed right now!
  13. GraceNationMIniss

    Q's about Tithing

    Teenage years are weird for tithing for sure! Do you have a job? If so then YES I would suggest a 10% tithe as it is Biblical, however all throughout the New Testament you see people giving different amounts 100% In Mark 12 the widow gives a penny and Jesus is more happy about that than the...
  14. GraceNationMIniss

    I don't know what to do

    I am going to have to agree with this
  15. GraceNationMIniss

    I am miserable and alone... ask me anything

    I am always available to talk about anything! I know life may seem tough but trust me God loves you and no matter what everything will end for good! And that should be awesome news for you! I'd love to chat sometime just let me know!
  16. GraceNationMIniss

    I don't know what to do

    If he is using them for why, I think he is asking for them, then yes it would be wrong to send them. He is finding sexual pleasure outside of marriage and that is for sure a sin. The Bible is clear that sexual relations should be kept within a marriage and only a marriage. Even after you are...
  17. GraceNationMIniss

    I don't know what to do

    Ok, Before I respond, why is he asking for them? What is the purpose behind you sending them.
  18. GraceNationMIniss

    My Overwhelming Self-Hatred

    Does it even matter what people on this earth think of you? God has wonderfully and fearfully created you for a wonderful purpose and LOVES you. His love is immeasurable and don't let anyone tell you any differently! Times seem tough I know, but Look at biblical examples, look what happened to...
  19. GraceNationMIniss

    Can Our Sexual Sin Alter The Person God Designed For Us?

    Question 2 - That deals with predestination and if you ever wanna chat about that just msg me!