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  1. D

    Need prayer for out of control dental problems

    Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I am on a prescription medication that causes the thinning of the enamel on your teeth. I have been having severe dental problems in the last few months, I have had like 8 fillings drilled and I now I am scheduled to have 2 more done in...
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    Online Coursework at Columbia University

    Hey I just found this online, apparently Columbia University (the elite school in New York City) is offering online coursework in Cyber Security (Cyber Security bootcamp). I am considering getting enrolled with this, I have checked out the curriculum and I think I can do it! I am already...
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    God alleviated years long benzo withdrawal symptoms.

    Glad to hear of your recovery, benzos can be the worst med to withdraw from, it is highly addictive and withdrawals can be life-threatening and even permanent. I became a little addicted to ativan years ago, the withdrawals finally subsided after about 2 months, I can never take it again.
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    Need prayer for an apartment

    Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your prayers- I am in a situation where I would like to move out of my current apartment ASAP and I would like to move into a 3 or 4 bedroom house or apartment with some friends that are believers in Christ, however my parents are acting like they are not...
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    Please pray for my Grandpa.

    Praying now! Lord God I lift up Joshua74's grandpa to You right now and I pray for Your intervention in his current situation and for complete healing and deliverance from all symptoms of cancer! I pray for any cancerous tumor in his body to wither and die in the name of Jesus, I curse any tumor...
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    My mental health…

    Praying now! Lord God I lift up somebodysangel to You right now and I pray for Your intervention in her current situation and for complete healing and deliverance from all symptoms of mental illness, I take authority over any symtoms of depression and I command them to go right now in the name...
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    What was the first video game you played?

    Super Mario Brothers for the Super Nintendo. That was a classic!
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    Watchdogs 2?

    Hi everyone, I just recently bought a game called Watchdogs 2 on Steam, however it has alot of profanity in it and drugs and alcohol, my question is it acceptable to play this? The scripture does say that all things are permissible. I uninstalled it because I didn't think I should have it, but...
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    Need Wisdom

    Hey a question- do you think it is wisdom to cast the enemy out of a place when there is a good chance someone will let it back in? (Such as an apartment complex) I know that the scripture says that if you do that and someone lets it back in it will come back 7 times worse. I was able to cast...
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    Flag of the European Union?

    Hey does the flag of the European Union give you the creeps? I find something about it disturbing. The scripture says that the 1-World government of the antichrist will emerge from a revived roman empire, I think this could be the European Union! Almost all European nations are post-Christian...
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    Special Anointing on Christ Community Church

    Hi everyone- if you live within driving distance of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania you may want to take a road trip, there is a church in town called Christ Community Church. This church has a special anointing on it to heal people of mental illness! I have a mental illness called schizophrenia. I have...
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    Prayer for the Anointing

    Hi everyone, I had an idea- if you are praying for someone who is working for a living you may want to pray that God's anointing is on them in their line of work, I know of several other believers that are in IT and also ethical hacking for their line of work, I have been praying for them that...
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    Prayer for the evil presence in my apartment building

    Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your prayers- I live in an apartment complex in Harrisburg, PA called Stonebridge, I have been here for several years. This place is the pit of hell, there is a huge drug problem here, lots of people are doing drugs, also there is an extremely evil...
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    Need an overhaul

    Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I have alot of things wrong with me at the same time. My eyes are blinking uncontrollably, my foot is twitching constantly, and I am in severe pain in my body constantly, all at the same time. Please pray that all of this stops. Thank you!
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    Freddy Clark Healing Revivals

    Hey there is a healing evangelist out there named Freddy Clark, he travels the country doing tent healing revivals, he stays down south in the winter and then comes up north during the summer, if he is ever within driving distance you should take a road trip and get a hotel room and come...
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    New medication

    Praying now! Lord God I lift up Pop D to You right now and I pray for Your intervention in his current situation and for complete healing and deliverance in his mind and body, especially his face! I pray for the medication to function as intended and for no side effects! I speak life over Pop...
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    Healing Prayer for my Mother

    Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your prayers- about 1 week ago my mother fell and broke her wrist and is now in a cast and sling, just yesterday they had to do surgery and installed screws and a metal plate to get it to heal, I was just visiting my mother this morning and she was in...
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    Heaven for Eternity

    Something that just came to me- there was a day we were created, we were born, there was a time that we were not, but once we were created it is for eternity, we will never cease to exist! This means something! I am seeking God for the answer! I am having a hard time getting my mind around this...
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    Heaven for Eternity

    Hey something just came to me- it seems that there will be a time that we pass on from this life and enter heaven, but once we arrive there it is for eternity, we will never leave! I think this means something, but I am not sure what it is! Is anything coming to you? Let me know. It seems that...
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    Is the garden of eden eternal?

    Hey, a question- is the garden of eden eternal? According to the scripture it seems so, apparently it is still out there, but no one is allowed in, it is being guarded by cherubim. Apparently there will never be a return to the garden after the fall of man, this is eternal. What do you think of...