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  1. Halbhh

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Right, Biden also but there is a big difference of degree. Trump is also doing one of the certain sins singled out as one of the 7 that God especially hates in particular. (actually, he's doing 4 of these!, but it's the last one in particular that comes to mind as the most important today...
  2. Halbhh

    Is God Worthy...?

    Christ said in Matthew 7 that only "few" will actually do what He commanded his followers to do. Matthew 7 NIV Even more specifically clear about Christians in particular, He said in Matthew 13 that from the beginning, His Church would have both good acting people in it that are follow Him but...
  3. Halbhh

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Unfortunately Trump is a cunning deceiver, who paints false pictures constantly to trick people to think what he wants them to think, and many have been misled by him into believing some things he says, as he mixes bits of real things in with all the invented imagined things he makes up.
  4. Halbhh

    If God is Blessing Russia, Are They The Bad Guys?

    This came to mind since Russia is currently declaring agricultural emergencies today in 10 regions. I thought it would be good though to revisit your post -- I'm hoping you will. (it's always good to be humble -- this is just the temporary world that will pass away and nothing here will be...
  5. Halbhh

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    I know that's sardonic, but a tragedy is that enough money and high priced lawyers can go a long way to canceling justice in the U.S.; infamously, Trump not only buys off some accusers, but also in many cases just hires lawyers that endlessly delay trials aiming to prevent his being held...
  6. Halbhh

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    While falsification of business records only requires someone to have “[made] or [caused] a false entry in the business records of an enterprise” under New York law, the crime is just a misdemeanor at that stage, and becomes a felony if it’s proven the defendant falsified records “with intent to...
  7. Halbhh

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    Since Trump specifically is leading people to do the opposite of God's stated will, such as to deport immigrants instead of : "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God." To deport...
  8. Halbhh

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    While we know that generally during La Nina, surface temperatures cool some due to more cold water upwelling (so it's like a withdrawal of some of the average cooler temperatures from the past from the storage bank of the deep ocean -- withdrawals that slightly warm the deep ocean of course) --...
  9. Halbhh

    How do you politely turn away a Jehovah Witness at your door?

    Smile and tell them you already have a good church (when you do), and tell them they should really come and try out your church. Like "The preaching is great -- you'd like it!" or such.
  10. Halbhh

    Exodus evidence

    This kind of post is fine so long as it never tries to prove the miraculous (and there's a biblical reason for that I'll show clearly below). But it's reasonable and fine to merely show physical facts about geographical locations, the existence of semitic peoples, invasions, etc. We should...
  11. Halbhh

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    Using the special relativity formula, the combined total approach velocity of the 2 planets towards each other would be about .89c.
  12. Halbhh

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Averaging of vast numbers of particles. A good conceptual example: air in a room -- though all the particles are moving randomly, you can rely on having enough air to breath where you are sitting because even though all the air molecules are moving randomly, the odds of too much of the air...
  13. Halbhh

    Trump Cheered as He Arrives at F1 in Miami Amid New York Trial

    The problem with voting for Trump is that if Trump gets elected, in about 5-10 years time it will lead to increasingly widespread attacks against Christians in the U.S. It's like voting for yourself and your children to be persecuted in a real way. With actual violence and widespread slanders...
  14. Halbhh

    Trump Found Guilty

    I'm not too sure of that.... It's easy to underestimate the lawfulness -- law respecting people -- in America, but I think there's some that are swing voters....
  15. Halbhh

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    If we could definitely answer the similar questions that some of your questions are like, then we'd have solved the main riddle of Quantum Mechanics that exercised Einstein (and motivated his debate with Bohr). We can't answer all questions. Not yet. But we do have many theories. We don't...
  16. Halbhh

    My heart goes out to Texans because of wildfires!

    Yes, it's been noticeable that so many extreme weather disasters are happening in Texas so close together lately. 'Came out of nowhere': Storm-weary Texas bashed again; ...Localized flooding from the storms swept across much of Texas and the southern Plains, an area already reeling from weeks...
  17. Halbhh

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Actually, you might find post #760 will give a very different perspective (because it's what God actually said) regarding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah if you haven't already seen such.
  18. Halbhh

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Yes you have that generally right I think. Also it might be very interesting to you to have also the actual list of the 7 sins God most hates that are actually stated in scripture in addition to (and even more authoritative than) that well known 6th century list of Pope Gregory you have listed...
  19. Halbhh

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Few know that later God Himself revealed the actual evils that merited the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God literally Himself speaks and says the reasons. (but not in Genesis...) a) not caring about the poor and needy (that is, not giving food to the hungry), and ... ok, I just...
  20. Halbhh

    Who Do You Believe?

    ^_^ I've been there a few times. Or more than a few. heh heh....