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  1. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    The church I've been going to is mainly for young people. It's not "seeker friendly" because it is firmly Nazarene, but it definitely emphasizes community over doctrine.
  2. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I don't feel comfortable naming the specific pastor because it's not really his fault, but one time a few months ago I noticed my mom listening to a sermon from the pastor of the last church they went to (which they left because they claimed he talked too much about God's love). I'd like to...
  3. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    It's ok, I'm not offended. You could be right in that my parents are still Christians, but I myself wonder how authentic their faith is since it seems to be something they never discuss. I don't understand why they're so reluctant to go to a church here and instead want to wait two and a half...
  4. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I appreciate your feedback, but to clarify, no church leader ever told me my parents became "unsaved". I'm just worried that they've seen church as a social club their entire lives, and now because they're older they think they don't have to go to a church anymore.
  5. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I feel like I need to use words. I feel like I should just keep nagging at them so that they will do it.
  6. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    The issue is that my parents only go to church when they're in another city (one that they plan to move to in a few years after my dad retires). They won't go to a church where we live currently. Even though they'd only be at one for two years at most, I think church is important enough to find...
  7. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I have yet to ask them that question. I don't know what I believe regarding whether or not Christians can lose their salvation--different groups use different verses to make their points.
  8. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    That sounds like a good diea. I'd have to spend some time looking for a book, though. I was raised Presbyterian but now attend a Nazarene church, but don't really fully agree with either denomination's teachings (so far, haven't looked into a lot of issues). So it would have to be something...
  9. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I was raised in the church, but sometime after I got into college my parents stopped going to church. I think this was for two reasons: 1) They claimed the pastor at the nearest one we went to "talked about the same thing over and over". Apparently he emphasized God loving us "too much". Sounds...
  10. grandvizier1006

    Various Bible questions

    I'm appreciating your answers, Peacemaker1, but your sentence structure is poor, and it is making it hard for me to understand you. It seems like in some answers you're just quoting a bunch of verses without explaining what you're trying to say.
  11. grandvizier1006

    Various Bible questions

    Thanks for the responses. I apologize for not bringing up the relevant verses for some questions. 1. There are a lot of verses in Isaiah, such as in Isaiah 53, that are generally seen as being about Jesus. There's also Isaiah 49, which I guess could describe both Isaiah and Jesus. 3. In Judges...
  12. grandvizier1006

    Various Bible questions

    It's been quite a while since I've been here, and I'm finding that my life has gotten a bit better. I quit porn back in April and am proud of how long I've been clean. I'm spending my time more wisely. I still have some questions about the Bible, though, and unfortunately the people in my church...
  13. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I didn't know that being asexual had a cause like that--I figured it was more of a thing having to do with no libido or something. I'm sorry all of that ruined the idea of sex for you. I understand Every Young Man's Battle caused a lot of damage to men, although I thankfully never read it nor...
  14. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I don't really know what caused my sexual attractions. I think my parents made some mistakes raising me, but I'd put more of the blame on my dad than my mom. He had a job that led him to be away for most of the day. I came to associate him with spankings (which I'm firmly against even though I...
  15. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I used to wish I was asexual. It would have been nice to have been "sexually pure" and not worry about a porn addiction. I think back then I was more concerned about looking good to other Christians. I'm not sure what my "romantic orientation" is. I know I had romantic thoughts for some girls...
  16. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    Interesting, I thought most people were 100% straight. Would you include yourself or others you're close to? This is certainly news to me. BTW I'm feeling a bit better now. I think my mental health was just really bad a few weeks ago.
  17. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    Thank you for your kindness. Since you've dealt with clinical depression and have cerebral palsy you probably have a better understanding of suffering and hardship than I do. You would probably "get" me a lot more than many of the other Christians in my life. I'd be happy to consider you a...
  18. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I appreciate your encouragement. On the one hand, the speaker in the video sounds very sympathetic, and I appreciate that. On the other hand, I don't know if I'd consider myself a "victim soul", or go along with the idea that God made my life harder so that I could reach others. I know that...
  19. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I almost had what I could essentially call a "locker room encounter". I still don't know what to make of it, and if my relationship to this particular friend would have changed. I think ultimately it was a good thing but the exact details of the memory drive me crazy sometimes. I definitely...
  20. grandvizier1006

    Being bisexual

    Let me just say welcome back to the faith! I hope you can find rest with God. I'm also bisexual, at least in the sense that I'm attracted to both men and women, so I know what you're going through. I know what it's like to have feelings for the opposite sex that you're trying to cultivate only...