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  1. phydaux

    2nd Chapter of Acts

    Wow Sherman, you and Peabody hopped right in the Wayback Machine, didn't you?
  2. phydaux

    How do praise and worship teams work in megachurches?

    Wow, that's 180 out from my experience. At the megachurch I went to, and every other church in their extended network, you got no where near stage ministry of any kind unless you were already DEEPLY involved in ministry elsewhere and had a rock solid "livin' in a fishbowl, life under a...
  3. phydaux

    How do praise and worship teams work in megachurches?

    Was at a San Diego church, ~2000 Sunday morning attendance across three services. They had an associate pastor who was the senior worship leader. He oversaw three teams: One team took Wednesday night. One team took Saturday night & Sunday night. One team (his team) took all three Sunday...
  4. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    A study bible is just a bible and bible handbook in one, with a little concordance, dictionary, and commentary thrown in. Great for traveling when you don't have your full library. By favorite is the Thompson Chain Reference. I'm looking for recommendations for full bible study helps -...
  5. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    Then answer the question
  6. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    Probably my age, but I’m a dead tree guy.
  7. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    All righty then. Anyone else?
  8. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    What is a "glossy bible?"
  9. phydaux

    Anabaptist roots

    Understanding where you came from helps you understand where you are.
  10. phydaux

    Anabaptist roots

    All of the above is correct. Thank you, Noodles.
  11. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    Not sure where else to post this, so I posted it here. The three main bible study helps are a concordance, a bible handbook, and a bible dictionary. Leaving this question of concordance aside, what is your favorite bible handbook and your favorite bible dictionary?
  12. phydaux

    For churches with contemporary style services is there a greater need for keyboardists or guitarists

    "I am no longer in the worship music scene, but at our church there has never seemed to be a shortage of keyboardists or guitarists. Maybe we're just lucky?" You are.
  13. phydaux

    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    And we're fast approaching the 40th anniversary of the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, where Egypt formally recognized the nation Israel's right to exist. "May you live in interesting times."
  14. phydaux

    What I like about Calvary Chapel

    I did. Near as I can tell it is a distinction without a difference. Like when Greg Laurie "left" to start Harvest. Or when Mike Macintosh "left" to start Horizon.
  15. phydaux

    What I like about Calvary Chapel

    How does Brian Brodersen differ from the Calvary Chapel Distinctives?
  16. phydaux

    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    I'm working my way through this thread from the beginning because, IMO, the rest of this sub-forum is a wasteland. Forgive me please if I quote & reply to posts from ages ago as if they were new. They will be new to me.
  17. phydaux

    I've changed my mind.. I'm a pre-tribber again.

    Donald Barnhouse, popular radio bible teacher from many years ago, whenever he ran across one of his friends that he knew was a mid- or post- tribber, would always greet them with a huge SIGH and sing "Sad day, sad day, Jesus can't come back today..." Something like that works among friends who...
  18. phydaux

    I've changed my mind.. I'm a pre-tribber again.

    I'm glad you're no longer one of the wicked servants who says "The Lord delays his coming." Welcome home, brother. We saved your chair.
  19. phydaux

    The Gog n Magog war will happen before the Tribulation

    I glad you and I agree about something. The book of Revelation is actually quite easy to understand. It is filled with, for lack of a better term, "images." All of them are taken from the Old Testament. This actually makes the book quite easy to understand. You simple find the image in...