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  1. Faithfulandtrue

    Have been dating for a year now

    Thank you everyone who prayed for me over the years. I have been dating my boyfriend for a year now and i remember coming here when i was depressed and lonely in my singleness. Thank you everyone who prayed and who patiently counseled me in my singleness. ☺️
  2. Faithfulandtrue

    My boyfriends salvation.

    Please join me in prayer for my boyfriend to completely surender to the Lord. He is a new believer but I don't know if he's all in for Christ or just doing it to please me. Please join me in prayer for his love for Jesus Christ. We are living long distance at the moment so it's hard because he...
  3. Faithfulandtrue

    Prayer to be myself

    I had a conversation with a coworker about how my voice sounds at work an t honestly rubbed me the wrong way. I've been told that my customer service voice sounds like a Disney princess but honestly i take it as an insult. The more irritated i actually am the more try to hide it and thus sound...
  4. Faithfulandtrue

    Blasphemous OCD

    What exactly does that mean though?. Because i was suggested to do that too and doing so my thoughts become ocd. And I "pray" repetitive ritual prayers instead of actually talking to and trusting God. Sorry to take over their thread, it's just something i am frustrated with when people tell me...
  5. Faithfulandtrue

    How do you know when its the one?

    I totally agree 100%.
  6. Faithfulandtrue

    How do you know when its the one?

    Thank you so much for your advice. I definitely agree with you. I'm scared to marry him only to find out he was pretending to be a believer or if he would walk away from the Lord later on. I also don't want to do anything against what the Lord wants since He(the Lord) is my everything.
  7. Faithfulandtrue

    How do you know when its the one?

    My boyfriend is the only bf I've ever had. We have been dating almost a year now and now he says he wants to marry me but hasn't officially proposed. At times i love the idea of us getting married and other times I'm not so sure. I don't really know what I'm doing being a 31 year old who never...
  8. Faithfulandtrue


    It's not stupid at all. It's perfectly normal to feel down when you desire to be in a relationship. I've definitely been there Don't give up hope brother. I know February is especially hard because of Valentine's Day. But don't let that get you down. You aren't less than because you're single...
  9. Faithfulandtrue


    What happened dragonfox91? I hope and pray you're doing better today. You're not alone brother. Hugs
  10. Faithfulandtrue


    I completely understand the frustration. People who would tell me that at church but then next time I see them i felt like they were rubbing it in my face that I was single. "Oh did you hear so and so are together" like you people know i struggle with loneliness. Try to relax though brother you...
  11. Faithfulandtrue

    Fear about the last days and getting like I'm out of time

    Thank you so much! This really did help and encourage me today.
  12. Faithfulandtrue

    My boyfriend's salvation

    Thank you friend❤️
  13. Faithfulandtrue

    My boyfriend's salvation

    Please join me in praying for my boyfriend to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
  14. Faithfulandtrue

    Fear about the last days and getting like I'm out of time

    I feel overwhelming sense of discouragement and fear the last few years especially after 2019. I feel like time is really almost up and there s no time to do the thing God wanted me to do for him. I feel like the Lord is coming back so soon, and I'm afraid that he's going to find that I didn't...
  15. Faithfulandtrue

    Direction for my boyfriend and myself

    I started dating someone this year. He's considering moving out of state for work. It's too soon for me to decide on marriage with this person but I also dont want to lose him. I don't know if he's who God wants me to marry or not. I feel so confused
  16. Faithfulandtrue

    Is this a valid reason to start looking for a new church?

    It's not during worship but during the sermon. I can't focus and I'm sure the little ones don't understand what's even going on. Wouldn't it be better for them to be in Sunday school where they can learn about the Lord on their level?
  17. Faithfulandtrue

    Is this a valid reason to start looking for a new church?

    Thank you! You're the only one so far who understands where I'm coming from!
  18. Faithfulandtrue

    Is this a valid reason to start looking for a new church?

    I left my church during the shut down and went back this year. Our new building is much smaller now and I've noticed some of the like kids are in main service. I think we still have children's ministry but I've noticed allot of families bring their little kids into main service now. It wouldn't...
  19. Faithfulandtrue

    why go to church?

    I'm so sorry you are experiencing church hurt. Don't give up on church. It's kinda cool that I came on this site just now about a similar thing. I'm getting the feeling that its time for me to find a new home church, but I don't know where to start. But maybe we both just need to 'dip our toes'...
  20. Faithfulandtrue

    Unwanted thoughts about serving the devil

    By the way this is the only place i have told anyone about it. I'm too afraid to tell people because of how people in real life reacted in my past when i told them about my ocd thoughts.