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  1. sjastro

    Milky Way last major collision

    A few words about Halton Arp. I contributed a few images to a book on his catalogue of peculiar galaxies. The book also contained a biographical account of Halton Arp who was against the Big Bang theory and claimed redshift of galaxies and quasars was intrinsic not cosmological or Doppler...
  2. sjastro

    Milky Way last major collision

    Arp 245 is part of a collection of merging and interacting galaxies catalogued by Halton Arp - Wikipedia Technically Arp 245 is comprised of NGCs 2992 and 2993, the other small galaxy in the field RFGC 1621 does not interact gravitationally and is further out at 125 million light years.
  3. sjastro

    Milky Way last major collision

    Even we lowly amateurs can take images of interacting galaxies that don't require the Hubble telescope. Here is Arp 245.
  4. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    The details of the GEM program written in BASIC is found in my book on Celestial Mechanics. I'm not up to writing 170 lines of code. :rolleyes:
  5. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    If only physics was that simple. My image of NGC6822 is composed of 42 sub images that were combined to produce the final image. The asteroid appears in 24 of these images. In each of these images I need to find the plate scale and use software to identify the galaxy to superimpose the RA and...
  6. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    No idea what the asteroid is, it would make an interesting exercise to calculate its distance from the Sun using my images. This is an exercise in celestial mechanics which I am vaguely familiar with from my days at Uni. The pink circular nebula in the image is identified as...
  7. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    I've had my images published in various publications such as Sky and Telescope ! Home and astronomy textbooks The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. I've only had problems with satellites ruining my images when I have used wide field lenses, with the set up from my previous post the problem is...
  8. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    I use to have a webpage containing perhaps a hundred odd images until one day the web host without any notification decided to pull out leaving me and many others high and dry. I haven't had much motivation in setting up a new webpage but occasionally I post the odd image here to upset flat...
  9. sjastro

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    As an outsider (foreigner) looking in I thought the movie Idiocracy - Wikipedia was supposed to be a work of fiction yet Trump is turning it into a reality. On the subject of Trump being a political victim, can anyone explain his record with the law prior to 2016 where politics would have...
  10. sjastro

    Exodus evidence

    I will give you credit in attempting to use archaeology to identify the Habiru as the Israelites in the Exodus instead of relying on miraculous events found in the Bible which archaeology and science in general cannot account for. The Armana letters were written in Akkadian rather than Egyptian...
  11. sjastro

    To the science haters out there this is not a thread for you.

    To tourists unfamiliar with koalas they can make terrifying sounds. As a fun fact in the film Jurassic Park koala sounds were used for the T-Rex.
  12. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    I think you are giving philosophers a bum rap. :) Lets not forget western mathematics, naturalism a forerunner of science, and the scientific method has its origins from Greek philosophy. Examples where mathematics is prescriptive as given in my previous post suggests the mathematics was...
  13. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Your example is a case of mathematics being descriptive but it can also be prescriptive as well. Since quantum mechanics is the theme of this thread, an appropriate example was particle physicists found that hadrons could be classified into groups or mathematical symmetries according to their...
  14. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Having a knowledge of the mathematics helps. An example is the Rydberg equation which was empirically derived in the late 19th century and describes the energy level spacings versus wavelength λ in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Rₕ is Rydberg’s constant for the hydrogen atom, n₁ and n₂...
  15. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    As has been pointed out in this thread there are various interpretations of quantum mechanics including deterministic ones such as the Many Worlds Interpretation which states we are stuck with only one possibility as all other alternatives exist in other universes which are unobservable in our...
  16. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    I'm not a fan of AI giving complex mathematical and scientific descriptions but ChatGPT-3 gave a surprisingly good simplified explanation of the antipodal impact hypothesis.
  17. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    As an astrophotographer Elon Musk's satellites for their sheer numbers are a pestilence which frequently ruin wide angle images. Professional astronomers share the same opinion.
  18. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    An explanation of the wave terminology in post 1. Action of P and S waves.
  19. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    I suppose one advantage of a flat earth anti-podians are not even a threat.
  20. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    This is a hypothesis and probably fits more into the ‘Non-Mainstream Science and Controversial Science’ forum but given some of the outrageous threads there this is far more mainstream like by comparison. First of all some preliminaries, when a seismic event occurs such as an earthquake seismic...