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  1. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    I'm glad you are here. I too have a yarn stash starting. Although with the projects I have been doing my stash is depleting. I crochet for fun as well as for sale. Here are a couple of my latest projects.
  2. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Not that I know of no.
  3. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    No, I found this pattern but didn't want to do every 4 rounds the same color and the last round was suppose to have shells but I didn't have enough pink so I did a sc around for the last round. I never even thought that until you said something. That's awesome.
  4. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Thank you!!
  5. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Thank you!! Those look good. I have 2 more rugs to make then in going to try my hand at a corner to corner blanket.
  6. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Well I have a toddler to run after so is be lucky if I can do a couple rows every few hours. Here is the rug I made my daughter. What should have taken me 5hrs to do took me almost a week to finish.
  7. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    It will look different. Different pattern and colors for my daughters. My sister wants one like this....
  8. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    I hear ya on not being able to buy more yarn. Well, I'm working on a timeout rug for my daughter then I'm making my sister a timeout rug for her twins, my son wants a rug as well, then I'm not sure what I'll do next. Probably something else for my daughter unless someone wants me to do another...
  9. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Thank you!! How's the blanket coming?
  10. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Thank you!! Not sure. You know once I finished it I walked away didn't even measure it. Here is a pic if me standing on it though.
  11. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    I finished my first rug. I made the yarn as well.
  12. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    What's up?
  13. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    You can turn them into whatever you want. I'm doing rugs right now.
  14. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    So I have come across repurposing old t-shirts. I turn them into tshirt yarn and now I'm crocheting rugs out of the newly made yarn. I'm so excited. I'm making a rug right now for a co to use in a fundraiser. They have supplied me with boxes upon boxes of shirts to make my new creations. Yes you...
  15. emullins

    What are YOU currently reading? (8)

    I finally finished love languages which I started in jan. I just haven't been focusing on reading much lately. I use to read 1-2 books a month. I'm going to start not a fan. Let's see how long this will take. Lol
  16. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    What about a nice light green or brown?
  17. emullins

    Crocheters? (2)

    Some are a little confusing but once you get the hang of it you will never have any problems understanding any patterns. Sometimes I would google what I didn't understand. If you ever need help just ask and I'll be more than happy to help out. I found a bunch of new cute patterns I'm going to...
  18. emullins

    How many kids do u have?

    We have 3. 2 boys and 1 girl. My daughter will be 3 this December and I have been trying to talk my husband into having more.
  19. emullins

    How many children did you have after 30?

    1 so far after 30. Had a daughter at 33. Thought once I finally had a baby girl I would be done at 2 boys and 1 girl but something inside me keeps telling me I should get pregnant again and before I get older. I'm 35 now. My last pregnancy was hard because I waited about 10 yrs in between...
  20. emullins

    Sylvester Stallone

    I love him. But I love him because he is such a good actor and does a wonderful job on every movie he plays in. Yes he is a very good looking man but i think Bruce Willis and Sean Connery are good looking men as well but I wouldn't go to the point to were I'm like in love with them. I wouldn't...