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  1. stevevw

    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    Yes and those ideas are not mascullinitybut ideas about it. Labelling this as actual mascullinity is wrong and misleading and leads males tothink that mascullinity itself is wrong. It doesn't matter how you rationalise it the proof is in the pudding so to speak in that most males and a growing...
  2. stevevw

    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    I think you done that in the context of the negative effects of the Patriarchy. Thatmale ideas of being a man are toxic even to men. It was still a backhanded complement lol. It wasn't acknowledging any male disadvantage by something other than being associated with males like women do with...
  3. stevevw

    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    Though I agree that belting a child is wrong many kids were smacked and did not go on to have problems and nor did they go on to smack their kids. Its the severity and smacking for no good reason as well as the lack of other forms of discipline and a good relationship that engaged with the child...
  4. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Like I said this was not such an important issue pre Islam. What you also forget is that Abraham is a Jew Patriarch not a Muslim one. He is the ancestor of the Jews. Hid line decends to King David who purchased the land where the Temple was built. There is a direct line of Jews linking them to...
  5. stevevw


    No when did I say that. I said that since we don't allow free reign of gun ownership we have less gun related killings. Thats a good thing. This is interesting about Soros. I have heard this before, my son keeps going on about it. Him and Black Rock and others. Not sure what depths this goes...
  6. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Ah the Tribes came from Jacob a Jew. I don't think it works that way. First of they are of Jewish origin now they have a right to be an Isreali and therefore not a Palestinian and would therefore support Issrealis rights and not try to dispossess them. Being a Paalestinian and Jew ate the same...
  7. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Perhaps because it didn't happen. We know the history of Jerusalem and the Jews which goes back 3,000 years. That history in in the ground, in non biblical history. We know the history of the Christians which came out ofthe same city and area with Christ and non biblical history. But when we...
  8. stevevw


    I'm pretty sure I have seen the other isde do the same in different ways all protesting the results and doing stuff to undermine things. That is what I think people have picked up on. They may see Trump sometimes doing the same thing but dislike more that the other side does the same thing and...
  9. stevevw


    Oh gee I will have to try harder.
  10. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    The tribes of Isreal were the Jewish ethnic people of the land and if there were any other non Jewish people they were not the dominant people of that land. Just like if the decendents of Muslims in their ethnic land who became Jews would not change the fact that it was the ethnic muslims who...
  11. stevevw


    Not sure what you mean by abolish gun control. Does that mean stop Australia controlling who has guns or stop controlling people who have guns and allow them to once again have guns. Like Australia is somehow denying the right to bear arms. There are not many guns in Australia as we banned them...
  12. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Lol, you think the truth is somehow not being fair. That the whole problem, your version of being fair is rigged with bias in the first place. You don't know the truth to make any claims about fairness. You used the bible to deflect from the arguement and evidence I was making about Islam, a...
  13. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    What is my arguement. What do you mean "no more than that". So your saying though Isreal was already occupying the land as a people and were then dispossessed they have no right to the land they were dispossessed from. Yet you are quite willing to regard the Palestians of being dispossessed...
  14. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I have read those verses and obviously they are often used so I have dealt with this before. None of those verses state any rape happened so your readin what you want it to say. Scholars have dealt with this in the context of what actually happened. These were women spared who could be married...
  15. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I am not sure what that means. So what as you don't care or so what it's irrelevant and means nothing. No it was a recognition of the Jews right to the land they had always occupied. The Ottoman Empire took Isreal from the Byzantine Empire and the Byzantine Empire took the land from the Jews...
  16. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    What are you talking about, the Jews have occupied that land for nearly 3,500 years. Palestine was not even a people up until the 20th century. If anything the League of Nations and allies created Palestine. Otherwise where do the people of Isreal live, where do they have their nation like the...
  17. stevevw


    Ok well I don't follow the US news. But this is what is now going to happen in this tit for tat war thats been created. It would probably be in the interest of the Right to bring up any indescretion by the Left to show 'hey the Left does exactly what they hounded Trump doing". But they are doing...
  18. stevevw


    Thats the thing, he's not stupid in that sense. Its almost like a Hollywood drama from where I'm sitting lol. The US presidency between a senile old man and a crooked man lol. But I thing its left a bad taste in peoples mouths that the system can go after a person, a political opponent and take...
  19. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Yeah well sorry, I was coming from a different angle and read the original post and then seen the counter post and went on both. That is why I said this is a reaction to a reaction which is how identity politics goes. Its just a zero sum game that decends into division and eventually violence.
  20. stevevw

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    No it isn't. Modern Zionism was officially established as a political organization by Theodor Herzl in 1897. A Jewish journalist and political activist from Austria, Herzl believed that the Jewish population couldn't survive if it didn't have a nation of its own...