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  1. Kurama

    israel doesn't commit war crimes.

    Israel is defending itself. If one rocket was launched at the USA from Canada, you can bet that they would be occupied the next day. It is irrational to think that there ever will be a Palestinian state if the Palestinians carry on lobbing rockets at Israel. They should take a leaf out of MLK's...
  2. Kurama

    the Catholics shouldn't be allowed to criticize israel.

    I think my IQ declined three fold after reading the poll question...teh Catholics see Church as new Israel. Teh heck would we never ever be allowed to criticize Israel?!
  3. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    Reason. I couldn't have summed it better than this. If the OP claims that Islam is an inherently violent religion, he should do well to do the research and become more well versed in Islamic theology. I'm not going to undertake a layperson's personal views on Islam.
  4. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    What about Dr Cornel West, social critique and prominent member of the Democratic Socialist Party? The things he says about Obama tend to be a lot harsher than what any mainstream Republican would say. West is lauded as a people's hero by the SPLC. It's so easy to debunk ad hominem posts :)
  5. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    He stated that Africans and Arabs are exclusively to blame for the slave trade as they sold black slaves to whites. That is a fallacy since whites also enslaved blacks themselves without the intervention of African/Arab slave traders. This happened mostly in Benin, which was an African kingdom...
  6. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    I'm sorry but is the Islam that the Syrian/Iraqi soldiers fighting terrorists the same as the Islam ISIS profess to follow? I mean you allegedly support Assad so you must have your own interpretation of what Islam is :confused: How about we criticize extremism and totalitarianism as...
  7. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    Jihad Watch is affiliated with the far-right FrontPage Magazine. The founder David Horowitz has explicit racist views such as blaming Africans for slavery. An indirect link but any site that links itself to the David Horowitz Freedom Center has no place on an inclusive forum such as this one...
  8. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    Make no mistake, there are plenty of useful idiots in the world who turn a blind eye to Islamic fundamentalism. The so-called Unite Against Fascism goes around attacking the far-right and racist politicians, yet it doesn't say anything about Islamists. This is hypocrisy since all forms of...
  9. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    If Spencer had one iota of logic, he wouldn't be disrespecting the Muslim community in a way that incites social instability. The UK is a multicultural nation: people respect each other's cultures and values (there are extremists, though they are in the minority). Sadly people like Spencer...
  10. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    You consistently defend Assad? That's like defending Hitler fighting against communist militants. Loony... David Duke approves this message :thumbsup:
  11. Kurama

    Basics That Every Non-Muslim Should Know About Islam

    I'm not going to read a single word from that despicable site Jihad Watch. Sure there are issues in the Muslim world, no doubt about that. However Robert Spencer is a dangerous figure who causes social divisions. That's why the UK had to ban him from traveling there, it would put too much of a...
  12. Kurama

    Catholics in Malaysia refer to God as Allah

    ...and it only took 5 pages of needless arguing for a bout of common sense to appear.
  13. Kurama

    Hey Guys Im New !!

    Hey ^_^
  14. Kurama


    Wonderful, at least those women know their place! ^_^
  15. Kurama

    Time Lapse Of Israel Destroying Entire Palestinian Neighborhood

    Hamas hiding rockets and using civilians as human shields are not war crimes?
  16. Kurama

    Buddhism is a Religion of War

    "So, historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity." Such words were echoed by the BBC in light of the ongoing conflict between Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in Burma. The acts of radical Buddhist monks attacking Muslims has led to the BBC criticizing the whole...
  17. Kurama

    The Palestinian-Jewish issue in a nutsell

    Israel knows that it must win ever battle it fights, lest it get destroyed. The Jewish people are no strangers to the dangers of not taking preemptive action. The Israelis ignored reports if Arab armies amassing on Israel's borders in 1973. A month later, the Israelis were almost pushed to the...
  18. Kurama

    The Palestinian-Jewish issue in a nutsell

    If the Israelis had truly wanted to wipe out the Palestinian people in Gaza, the casualty rate would be in the tens of thousands by now. Those who scream "genocide" all the time should look at Gaza's demographics and note that the population has increased steadily in recent times (now over 1...
  19. Kurama

    don't exterminate all the jews in the world.

    I fully support freedom of speech, including the rights of Neo-Nazis, White Nationalists and Islamists to preach their hatred (provided that it's non-violent). However such things as anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial really irritate me. The Jewish people have suffered a huge amount wherever...
  20. Kurama

    Video: Is Islam a religion of hate?

    Interestingly there were Muslims on the Crusader side, and there were Christians fighting under the Ottomans during the siege of Constantinople. It was not so much of a war between Christianity and Islam (if not the Crusaders would have torched Mecca and Medina to the ground) but one of greed...