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  1. Jonathan Jarvis

    Panama Papers

    What no US politicians! So which US agency is behind the leaks? The CIA is hardly known for its subtlety and tact. Maybe them?
  2. Jonathan Jarvis

    In Out Shake It All About

    So who will be better off staying in / or leaving the EU. Corbyn says stay in so does Cameron. Differing business owners say stay or leave. All quoting it's best for the economy, and what good for the economy is good for us. Oxfam's report in January 2015 shows that the gap between the rich...
  3. Jonathan Jarvis

    Man in women's locker room cites gender rule

    Going back to the OP. You get off the coach at the service station. You're bursting to go. There is a long queue outside the Ladies but no queue for the Gents. Just as your starting to point Percy a group of women come into the Gents and dash into the cubicles muttering "Don't worry lads we've...
  4. Jonathan Jarvis

    Trump.....and the number 666....

    664 is the neighbour of the beast.
  5. Jonathan Jarvis

    Porn on TV

    The producers of a new Channel 5 documentary which sees benefits claimants handed £26,000 in cash have been forced to deny that the show is a form of 'poverty porn'.
  6. Jonathan Jarvis

    Gun Permit

    Dispatching vermin Hunting game Target shooting Self defence Culling politicians who lie to the electorate (optional)
  7. Jonathan Jarvis

    When 1 = 99

    I'm not sure that that is correct. For the disparity on a scale shown in the report to occur there must have been significant changes in capitalism in recent years. Commentators have found that some of the following indicators have gained importance: The preoccupation with share price rather...
  8. Jonathan Jarvis

    When 1 = 99

    99% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1%. The report is here >>> I remember when we were told as the rich get richer so will we --- whats the use - they lied to us.
  9. Jonathan Jarvis

    Lets Dream

    Say your Lottery numbers have come up. All six of them. £33M. What will you buy or do with the cash? Ferrari - not with my back. It would take me 5 minutes to get out of the thing. Super model girlfriend - too scary. I don't think I could keep up the pace. I'm 65 next. Set up a charitable...
  10. Jonathan Jarvis


    And there's more I heard Sir Richard Attenborough on the radio yesterday referring to Diplodocus as Dip Low Docus not Dip Plod Icus.
  11. Jonathan Jarvis


    Which is it: (1) Yur run us (2) Your anus
  12. Jonathan Jarvis

    Why is it OK?

    I was watching a TV programme about 70's TV showing the Black and White Minstrels. I had a thought, why is it OK for men to dress up as women (and vice versa) on TV but not to black up? The more I thought about it the more confused I got. I kept getting to reductio ad absurdum situations...
  13. Jonathan Jarvis

    "Upgrade" to Windows 10.....why

    Been prompted to upgrade for several weeks now. Yesterday succumbed. Used custom install to disable info sharing. Took about an hour. Had to reinstall printer and CCleaner but apart from that OK. Used Cortana - asked it what are the 39 steps. Came back with something about dating sites?
  14. Jonathan Jarvis

    Xmas and commercialisation.

    Sadly looking around the malls & shops it appears to be the anniversary of the birth of Santa Claus.
  15. Jonathan Jarvis

    Lycanthropy Outbreak?

    Hipster beards are appearing everywhere. Prince Harry has got one. My Local MP has grown one. Two chaps who live up the road from me have grown them. Even saw one on a tv advert the other day. Whats going on. Or more to the point why when I try to grow one do I just look scruffy?
  16. Jonathan Jarvis

    Is Marxism on the Rise?

    I am an avid Chomsky reader and my own views tend towards that of a libertarian socialist. Although how much I like the idea I cannot see the state withering away. In John Reeds book Ten Days That Shook the World he records that during the October revolution the leaders of the revolution...
  17. Jonathan Jarvis

    Holiday Checklist

    One of the Al-Qaeda Jarvis's. We don't speak to that side of the family. ;)
  18. Jonathan Jarvis

    Holiday Checklist

    Passport Air tickets Phone charger Suntan lotion Clean undies Swimming cossie And a new one I came across today