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  1. Kris_J


  2. Kris_J

    Do you believe it was only an accident?

    Condolenses to the Kovko family & no disrespect to those who have been in the army & their families is intended. To cut to the chase am I the only one with suspicions about how this soldier died? Accidental shooting Private Kovco's body is now expected to arrive in Australia on Saturday...
  3. Kris_J

    Does Australia have an identity or are we just multiculturalism?

    There is an Australian identity - its history. Now it depends on how you interpret history - the Aborigines certainly do not interpret history in the same way as white Australians do. eg. bicentennial/white invasion day. You will have a singular "australian identity" when you manage to have...
  4. Kris_J

    I'm converting to Islam

    With or without a sword, Love triumphs over all. If kids do not know how to love their parents enough that they would strike their heart - what will they grow up to be? I suggest the OPer suspend decision making on what religion he is (be an agnostic or Universalist) until he leaves home or...
  5. Kris_J

    I'm converting to Islam

    Have you told your parents? So what is it like to run a sword through your parents heart? I believe when someone is as young as you (are you really 14?) - & still under the guardianship of your parents, you should place your priority on not hurting your parents than what religion you...
  6. Kris_J

    Does the Qu'ran claim textual corruption of the Bible?

    Arthra - it was parallel to the verse Abdurrahim posted: 78 There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues. Perhaps I could have been clearer that my comment was holding up a mirror to his post. ;)
  7. Kris_J

    Does the Qu'ran claim textual corruption of the Bible?

    You are absolutely correct there. Nothing is mentioned about the text itself as corrupted. It looks like this Muslim is twisting meaning of the Quranic scripture to us.
  8. Kris_J

    Does the Qu'ran claim textual corruption of the Bible?

    From my understanding of your belief: 1) nothing happens unless Allah wills it. 2) the words of Allah cannot be corrupted. 3)The Bible is the result of Allahs word corrupted. Is it logical that Allah willed his word to be corrupted? :scratch:
  9. Kris_J

    Does the Qu'ran claim textual corruption of the Bible?

    To the Muslims: Is there a verse or passage in the Quran that states the Bible is corrupted? Please post verse - thanks.
  10. Kris_J

    Respectful Interfaith Discussions

    That would probably only work when cultural differences are addressed. Christianity in its current form is very individualistic - from the one-on-one relationship with God to one's own private salvation regardless of who else is saved. On the other hand, other cultures that had...
  11. Kris_J


    Does that mean that as soon as UFOs & extraterrestrial are proven to exist, you will become an atheist?
  12. Kris_J

    Muslims over here please .

    & I thought there was a verse in the Quran that requires you to produce evidence when you accuse someone of wrongdoing. It must be fair to say that the Quran & Allah apparently condones unsupported accusations by reading your posts. :idea:
  13. Kris_J

    The Qur'an

    Then you have no problem with your Christian brother George Bush toppling crazy Saddam over.
  14. Kris_J

    The Qur'an

    You are showing that Islam is not a universal religion by saying "Us V's Them". According to Christian thought, those who are stealing from you are also your brothers & sisters that you ought to protect. (But then hey, maybe that is why some Fundy muslim fathers kill their own daughters for...
  15. Kris_J

    Let's get some straight answers from Muslims (part 1)

    Most of Christians consider the English translations as good as the original. Aramaic or Greek isn't considered God's favoured language, unlike the Arabic in the Quran. Why else would menstruating women not be allowed to touch Arabic Quran other than that it is closer to Allah than its...
  16. Kris_J

    Let's get some straight answers from Muslims (part 2)

    That is because when they say "We" they actually mean "We" as a people represented by the leader. The use of "We" also implies a co-operative position rather than a dictatorial one. All those people you mention represent a co-operative - of the ministerial cabinet, or of the royal family...
  17. Kris_J

    Discussion on Islam

    And Anglicising Islamic terms is a point of protest? Hahaha.. Its like saying because China is in the region of the "far east" westerners don't abuse the term. are you so green eyed over your israeli cousins?
  18. Kris_J

    Let's get some straight answers from Muslims (part 2)

    Perhaps Allah plays by human rules after all.
  19. Kris_J

    The Qur'an

    On a purely rational & intellectual basis the existence of God cannot even be proven let alone a book God has supposedly authored. I would not believe the Quran is the direct word of God because I believe the direct word of God is unmistakably & universally recognised as the direct word of...