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  1. C

    I wish I were a believer, but...

    Bible study will help.
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    Did Christ die for the sin of unbelief ?

    Yes. . . Unbelief in the promise (Ge 3:15, 15:5, Seed, Jesus Christ, Gal 3:16) is the cause of condemnation. Yes, Adam disobeyed God's law (command), which caused his physical death. Sin is transgression of the law (1Jn 3:4). Prior to the law, what sin was in the world when there was no...
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    What is freewill?

    In the light of the NT (Jn 1:12-13), neighbor and brethren are not the same thing. All brethren are neighbors, but not all neighbors are brethren.
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    What is freewill?

    The brethren of Christ being the children of God, born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, nor of a husband's will, but born of God (Jn 1:12-13).
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    What is freewill?

    And which faith is not a work of man, but only the gift of the Holy Spirit (Php 1:29, Ac1348, 18;27, 2 Pe 1:1, Ro 12:3), for we cannot even see the kingdom of God (much less believe in it) apart from the new birth by the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-5), which itself is as sovereign (unaccountable) as...
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    a New Nature

    Sounding brass and tinkling cymbal until Biblically demonstrated. . .
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    a New Nature

    There are no righteous works of unbelievers. When an unbeliever comes to faith, which is salvation (Eph 2:8-9), he has no righteous works.
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    What is freewill?

    The will is governed by one's preference. "Free will" on earth is simply the power to choose what one prefers. We are born preferring self over God. That doesn't change until one is born again by the sovereign will of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-5), who is as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:6-8)...
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    All Are Children Of Wrath, By The Spirit Of Disobedience

    I think he is saying they are vessels of wrath who have prepared themselves (reflexive) for destruction.
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    Peace On Earth? Rather Division

    I think that means peace between God and man on earth because of the atoning sacrifice, rather than peace between men.
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    a New Nature

    Actually, we have to believe what the NT presents. And it presents the Holy Spirit as the guarantee of the inheritance of the born again.
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    a New Nature

    All the ear-marks of humanistic reasoning, and none of Biblical revelation.
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    The Gift of Christ's Righteousness

    Actually, Heb is treating of apostasy (Heb 3:12, etc.)
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    a New Nature

    Was Abraham at risk of losing the righteousness credited to him by faith? Does Ro 4:1-4 give any indication of such? Nowhere is that even suggested in Scripture. Contraire. . .you don't really understand the nature of the new birth, nor the deposit/earnest money of the Holy Spirit from God...
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    Gasp, I'm sort of an Amillennialist!

    So that makes me amil?
  16. C

    Gasp, I'm sort of an Amillennialist!

    Metaphor for the church age. . .Jn 16:33.
  17. C

    When is the great tribulation?

    In context, the resurrection of all mankind occurs and then the rapture of the saints--both the resurrected and those still alive.
  18. C

    a New Nature

    Only in the mind of those who do not understand what actually took place on the cross. Faith in Christ admits to salvation. We don't "overcome" the guilt of yesterday's sin, all the sin of those in Christ is paid for. Those in Christ partake of his righteousness. Those in Christ walk in faith...
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    a New Nature

    Justification/righteousness, by Greek definition, is a declaration of righteousness, a forensic righteousness, a sentence of acquittal, "not guilty," right standing with God, clean/undefiled by sin.