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  1. Deep Time


  2. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    Circular Reasoning - YouTube this explains Circular Reasoning well.
  3. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    I'm tired of going around in circles myself. I'm getting dizzy :P .
  4. Deep Time

    The Lame Joke Thread

    There once was a little frog who wanted to take out a home improvement loan to fix up his pad. His name is Kermit Jagger. He hopped over to his local bank, went up to the teller and said, "Hi, I'd like to take out a loan to fix up my pad." The teller replied, "You need to see our loan officer...
  5. Deep Time

    Pacman, Galaga, or Space Invaders?

    My favourites from that era are Frogger and River Raid.
  6. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    Yeah, I'm asking why you're sure that "the book" is the only perfect one.
  7. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    I don't care that Israel is revered. Revere whomever or whatver you like. To me, '...because my book says so...' is not a satisfactory answer.
  8. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    This from the webite Sacred Destinations: "Sacred Destinations is an ecumenical guide to more than 1,250 sacred sites, holy places, pilgrimage destinations, religious architecture and sacred art in over 60 countries around the world. In addition to richly illustrated articles, there are photo...
  9. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    *sighs* All we've done is go round in a circle. What was so special about Israel 2000 years ago? It was one 'sacred place' of many throughout the world and throughout time.
  10. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    Why do you say that Yahweh created the universe? Why not say that Taiowa, Sa, Brahma or any other God created the universe?
  11. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    There's been countless supernatural beings thought up through the ages. You say, as a Christian, that Ishtar, Amun, Venus and Freya do not exist but Jehovah and Jesus do. Why? Why is one group of stories, from one place and one time, the only group of stories that is true?
  12. Deep Time

    What was so special about the Middle East 2000 years ago?

    Why was humankind's only hope sent to the Middle East 2000 years ago? Why not the Mediterranean 800 years ago or Central America last week?
  13. Deep Time

    Things I love about being 30

    Being in your 30s means you're better able to draw valuble lessons from your mistakes.
  14. Deep Time

    TV Commercials From Your Childhood

    Alrighty, here's some stuff from Australian TV you can look at on Youtube if you want: Solo Man ad, Australia 1986 - you can't drink Solo fast while looking as cool as this guy. I tried it :P . Life Be In It by Participating TDK 80s Australian ad - this stuff was state-of-the-art once :P .
  15. Deep Time

    What are you listening to right now?

    Power Of The Gospel- Ben Harper
  16. Deep Time

    Hi all.

    Hi everybody. I'm a 32 year old guy from Melbourne, Australia. I'm very much looking forward to respecful discussions here.
  17. Deep Time

    Hello from London

    Hi, Right now I have a copy of the New International Version (published in 2006.) There are clearly-written articles about beginning to read the book. I hope it goes well :) .