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  1. Frater Chad

    Religion and millennials

    I'm a bit late to the party with this one (just logged back in for the first time in like a decade earlier this week, lol). Here are my two copper pieces as a disillusioned Millennial and self-identified progressive Christian Universalist; given that, your mileage may vary. For folks in my...
  2. Frater Chad


    Haha, much appreciated! I updated that avatar in like...2012? Was definitely in the peak of my Lovecraft phase at the time (which hasn't necessarily gone away, but you understand). From my brief inspection, it looks like the main issue is lack of active role-players. It doesn't help that these...
  3. Frater Chad


    Howdy folks, been a while. These forums--back when there was an actual World of Christia--were my old stomping grounds back when I was a teenager. I loved every second I spent here, and I met some amazing people along the way. I didn't do much posting under this screen name; I went by...
  4. Frater Chad

    Just saying hello

    Woah, I remember you. It's been awhile. I think my other screen name is still banned from that Teen forum falling out way back when. Fun times.
  5. Frater Chad

    Members of singles, a INSANELY important and relative to everything question!

    I'm on a Ride the Lightning kick right now. Fight Fire with Fire was one of the first songs that really got me into Metallica.
  6. Frater Chad

    What was the most heartwarming moment of your life?

    I've been doing long-term (as opposed to crisis-specific) mental health work for about a year now, and some of the most belly-butterflying moments have been where when my really resistant clients (those who are really closed off and don't want to be in counseling) say something along the lines...
  7. Frater Chad

    OT - Metallica or Megadeth

    I've been interested in Eastern Orthodoxy lately and, upon entering this forum, the first thread I see is about metal. I think I should convert now xD
  8. Frater Chad

    Put Away the Flags

    We don't need a specific holiday, but Christians don't need Christmas or Easter either. It's something that we should be celebrating all the time, but especially on that specific day. *shrug*
  9. Frater Chad

    Texan Wins Controversial 'White Man' Scholarship

    If I recall correctly, a thread on Reddit (with all it's blatant liberal bias, and not that I mind) was talking about the same thing. The top-rated post said something along the lines of "It's only racist if they're trying to keep people out of college, not helping people get in." That's my take...
  10. Frater Chad

    Put Away the Flags

    I don't mean to step on any toes here, but I think there's a significant difference between blind nationalism and a thankfulness to be living in a country that grants many rights and freedoms that other countries do not give their citizens. I am happy to live in America and proud of the rights...
  11. Frater Chad

    Glenn Beck And Family Harassed In Bryant Park

    Lol, far from it, actually. I used that quote more as a tongue-in-cheek reference to eldermike's post about Glenn Beck only. Just because Beck can and does quote wonderful people like MLK Jr. and the like doesn't mean he is like those people, just as the "devil" isn't holy because he can quote...
  12. Frater Chad

    Glenn Beck And Family Harassed In Bryant Park

    The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek. [1596 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice i. iii. 93] *Goes back to lurking*
  13. Frater Chad

    Reconciling Christianity and Fantasy

    Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! (Couldn't resist)
  14. Frater Chad

    Define fantasy

    *In a loud, booming voice* JESUS. IN. SPAAAACE!! But, seriously, I've never heard of Christian SciFi before. Mind pointing me to anything in particular that you like? Thanks!
  15. Frater Chad


    Interesting point about the terminology. I've never considered using that before. The rape crisis center that I'm with has been debating on using the terms "victim" and "survivor," so I've never thought about figuring out different term. Definitely a good point!
  16. Frater Chad

    "Stairway to Heaven" played in reverse (backwards masking)

    What sign and which demon (not that it matters at all)?
  17. Frater Chad

    What are you listening to right now? (7)

    "October's Monody" by In Vain.
  18. Frater Chad

    Cobra Vs Mongoose (animal fight)

    "Arbok uses: Poison Sting. It's not very effective! ... then Arbok gets eaten by a mongoose."