Search results

  1. LoricaLady

    Pray People are Not deceived by the lies of the pro-abortion & women's liberal movement

    I never claim to have the right to tell a pregnant woman what to do. The Lord has that right. And why do you think that you have the right to say that an unborn child has to die if it is not wanted or just inconvenient? We are certainly not bound to the ever changing and too often self...
  2. LoricaLady

    Pray People are Not deceived by the lies of the pro-abortion & women's liberal movement

    The current, not uncommonly corrupt medical community doesn’t have a moral right to determine whether or not it’s OK to kill babies in a mother’s womb. And don’t you know, haven’t you heard, that they are now legally killing full-term healthy babies, as they are trying to exit the womb in some...
  3. LoricaLady

    Salvation prayer request for warlock news

    Yes, I will pray for their salvation. Realistically, I know that not many will be saved. Because Messiah said that few would make it to heaven. And those who were actually into the dark side, seem like even less likely Heaven bound candidates. My first prayer is that people will be protected...
  4. LoricaLady

    Attacks on Pakistani Christians.

    PAKISTAN: Attacks on Christians a ‘calculated manipulation’ The recent mob attack in Pakistan, which saw the death of a Christian shoe factory owner, was a ‘calculated’ and ‘manipulative’ assault, according to a human rights commission investigation. As Release International reported...
  5. LoricaLady

    Release International Prayer Shields, Ukraine, Afghanistan

    Ukraine Pray for the trauma-healing retreats our partner runs for Ukrainian Christians in Poland. Those who attend had been targeted by Russian forces in the occupied or previously occupied areas of Ukraine. Number of Prayers 16 YES - I WILL PRAY Afghanistan Give thanks for the opportunities...
  6. LoricaLady

    #21 in Christian persecution, Laos

    Across the country, violence rose substantially this year over last year – a shocking increase even for a place used to physical threats. Christians were kicked out of their communities, their homes were destroyed, and they endured so much for following Jesus. At the local level, Communist...
  7. LoricaLady

    Islamic Couple in Indonesia Angry and Disallow Christian Family from Singing

    P.S. We are also told not to toss our pearls before the swine or give what is holy to the dogs. The Lord knows whether or not there is fertile ground in a heart. We don't.
  8. LoricaLady

    Islamic Couple in Indonesia Angry and Disallow Christian Family from Singing

    In all things with any persons, as the Lord leads. We are not to toss our nets out at random where we may catch nothing, or even get torn nets. We are to toss our nets where we are led to do so by Him.
  9. LoricaLady

    Intestinal upset.

    Thank you everyone. After about two days with natural methods mentioned, plus colloidal silver, I was free of the problem.
  10. LoricaLady

    Wife, son cast off. Pastor perseveres through 44 days in jail. Audio Bibles help disciple new converts.

    Jun. 06, 2024 | Laos Christian Wife, Young Son Cast Off [7] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Kaew. Kaew placed her trust in Christ through the prayers of her parents, who became Christians after her marriage. Her husband and his parents, as well as their village, opposed her decision...
  11. LoricaLady

    Intestinal upset.

    I had the same, and very concerning, symptoms years ago. And I felt led, after medication and waiting did no help, to take Cayenne pepper. In capsules with water. And I did get rid of it very fast. So naturally, I’m trying the same thing again. Along with drinking lots of water and adding in...
  12. LoricaLady

    Pray for people to have discernment about, and protection from, secret witches and Satanists.

    This certainly includes us on this prayer wall, dear readers. I have often seen prayers for Satanists to receive salvation. And of course, that is a good thing, but from what I have personally heard, on the net and elsewhere, though some witches and Satanists do renounce evil, the vast majority...
  13. LoricaLady

    Salvation for members of The Satanic Temple

    I’m thinking of statistics. Messiah said that few would take the straight path to heaven. This means that a few of those people are going to be saved. I’m not saying none will be. I’ve believe a few will be. Likely very, very few. And I have prayed for them. But I mostly pray for the far...
  14. LoricaLady

    Pray People are Not deceived by the lies of the pro-abortion & women's liberal movement

    The Bible seeks for all people to be under the leadership of the Lord and his laws therefore. If the man is not defying the Lord, the woman is under his leadership, not domination. Obviously if a man, for example, tell the woman to kill her child, this would be in defiance of the higher law of...
  15. LoricaLady

    Elohim being used as a proper name for YHWH.

    As I said above, if you don’t see what I already presented, you won’t agree with me on anything else. Bye!
  16. LoricaLady

    Bully at work

    But unless you can prove that you are in danger of being physically assaulted, or have been physically assaulted, if you use pepper spray on a person well you’re likely to wind up in jail. They’re also laws in some states about menacing people.
  17. LoricaLady

    Pray that The Holy Spirit convicts Mexico's new President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum to somehow embrace Conservative Christian values despite her very po

    I pray Christian values and Christians will be protected and that she may be saved if possible.
  18. LoricaLady

    Elohim being used as a proper name for YHWH.

    T What is consistent with biblical teachings is to do what the Almighty told us to do. He gave us the name to use at the burning bush with Moses. YHWH. That name is used almost 7000 times in the Bible. It was used by prophets, kings, and ordinary people. At no time are we ever told there...
  19. LoricaLady


    Your concerns are not small at all. They are very important to say the least. I pray that you will be provided for now and in the future for your bills and in food and in every way.