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  1. rahma

    *~*~ THE FRUITCAKE CAFE ~*~* (5)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "*~*~ THE FRUITCAKE CAFE ~*~* (4)"
  2. rahma

    Party before we're gone I think we're next. Times, they are a-changing. Come one, come all, current NCR posters, past NCR posters. Post here before NCR is no more. Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide...
  3. rahma

    Why hijab?

    Ok, I'm not going to read through this entire thread, since it's just the same old, same old. I think it all gets down to your paradigm. Who am I, what is this world, and what is my role in it? I am a severant of God, this world is His, and my role is to submit to Him. How much free...
  4. rahma

    Any of the old crowd still here?

    *checks join date* Yup I'm old. Really really old. Nope, I'm not here most of the time. AB is where the party's at
  5. rahma

    The Qur'an

    The religion consists of 3 things: Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Islam are the rituals, the declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, charity and hajj. Iman is the faith, what we believe, in God, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Judgment and Divine Decree. Ihsan is the internal, the...
  6. rahma

    The Qur'an

    If one is in the United States, they can obtain a beautiful Qur'an translation for the cost of shipping from CAIR (braces for the accusations that CAIR is evil). I own this translation, and it's one of my favorites. It has excellent footnotes that survey a wide variety of quranic commentary...
  7. rahma

    McDonald's wouldn't hire women with hijabs, suit says

    I had McD's for breakfast :D You can always tell when a former McDonalds employee orders - I'd like an Egg McMuffin, no canbac, with a folded egg instead of a round. Drop me an email, as I don't log in here very often and may not catch a pm.
  8. rahma

    McDonald's wouldn't hire women with hijabs, suit says

    Which are most likely available from the McDonalds Uniform Catalogue. Otherwise, a solid color scarf that matches the pants color (usually black or navy blue) would look very professional. They could pin said scarf with any one of the hundreds of McDonalds pins that are also available for...
  9. rahma

    McDonald's wouldn't hire women with hijabs, suit says Ah yes, a scarf is such a burden on McDonalds, especially when everyone else has to wear either a hat or a hairnet to keep their hair of the food. Speaking from personal experience as both a hijab wearer and someone with many years...
  10. rahma

    Why I am doing this

    Washing up = making wudu, getting your ritual purity in place for prayer. Afterwards, a hug would break the wudu, but unless he's going to pray again, he really doesn't need it. While it's nice to keep it at all times, it's not required, and most people (that I know of) don't keep their...
  11. rahma

    Why I am doing this

    Crude, yes. Childish, yes. Incomplete, yes. Inaccurate, no. I've seen plenty of cruddy power point presentations in my day from people of all faiths. The more clip art, the better! Just because something breaks ones wudu does not make it a bad thing. My husband certainly isn't bad, and...
  12. rahma

    Why I am doing this

    Uh, if I touch my *muslim* husband, that breaks my wudu, and I must wash again. If my husband touches his *muslim* wife, that breaks his wudu and he must wash again. In fact, the husband and I were just joking about how we should become hanafis when we're going to bed. It's good to sleep in...
  13. rahma

    what do you know about Islam?

    Ok, some serious cases of insta islamo-scholarship going on. Picking up the Qur'an and googling some ahadith do not a scholar make. 1. No one took baths in Arabia 1400 years ago like we take them today. They had a pot of water and they washed dipping into it. The Prophet (saws) bathing...
  14. rahma

    Branches of Islam

    There are sects and then there are groups. Groups naturally divide out, and follow slightly different methodologies for fiqh/jurisprudence/law, aqidah/creed, sufism/tasawwuf. These groups will differ on certain issues, but they don't make takfir (ie declare someone as a non muslim) on those...
  15. rahma

    *~*~ THE FRUITCAKE CAFE ~*~* (4)

    Ya'll are really behind. Teh internets has declared rick rolling to be over.
  16. rahma

    *~*~ THE FRUITCAKE CAFE ~*~* (4)

    The creative genius behind my against terrorism banner is back, and I say huzzah! He made this banner at my suggestion :swoon: *edited to add* are we still having timing issues? this was posted after the rickrolling post.
  17. rahma

    Branches of Islam

    The answers to your questions would be enough to fill several disertations, but here's my attempt to be short and concise. There are two main branches of Islam - sunni and shia. The differences between the two can be boiled down to authority. Who has the authority to suceed the Prophet...
  18. rahma

    Scholarship - Islamic Style

    Scholarship - Islamic Style Defending The Transgressed By Censuring The Reckless Against The Killing Of Civilians Now that's a fatwa. We got your quran, your hadith, your qiyas and your ijma :thumbsup:
  19. rahma

    Pope baptizes prominent Italian Muslim

    Ugh. Do certain muslim posters actually think they're doing good dawah when they're rude and lack in adab in their posts? Seriously people, adab. ياايها الذين امنو&#1575...
  20. rahma

    Pope baptizes prominent Italian Muslim

    Meh, I think it's something most, if not all religious groups are guilty of, at least through a few members. I can't count the number of times I've been told on this board that I was never a "true christian (tm)," be it because I was never born again, or because I was x instead of y, or that...