Search results

  1. Lily76_

    Should women cover their hair?

    I veil due to personal choice, as i wish to glorified God in this way and also to do with my ADHD & sensory processing disorder .
  2. Lily76_

    Christian Motivational YouTube Channel i found i found this channel, I hope it is help people and is allowed to be posted Thank you
  3. Lily76_

    Pray for Persecuted Christians Around the World

    Praying for persecuted Christians all over the world
  4. Lily76_

    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    I think it will be the return of Jesus / it will affect us all one way or another
  5. Lily76_

    Is self harm morally wrong?

    I started self harm in my teens and throughout my adulthood ., I have trauma , from abuse,. My dad ending his life and two friends also ending their lives, one of them in front of me . Drink and drug use, and facing the detraction of my mum who has Terminal Cancer and is at end of life care, my...
  6. Lily76_

    New Christian with ADHD and other issues and learning to pray out loud to others

    I since posting this post I have managed to pray out loud twice
  7. Lily76_

    Pray for People Battling Cancer (3)

    My mum is at end of life care.
  8. Lily76_

    New Christian with ADHD and other issues and learning to pray out loud to others

    Does anyone have these issues I have ADHD & other issues , i have tried to pray in front of others but my head is going so fast that i cannot seem to get the words right how do you do something like that? * sorry about posting this question about mental health issues here, but it's learning...
  9. Lily76_

    Scotland Police Lost £5,500 for Wrongful Arrest of Preacher

    If the preacher was reading scripture there is nothing homophobic in the bible she targeted him because of her own agenda she commented a hate crime herself to the Preacher it's her prejudice than someone making a compliant
  10. Lily76_

    Thinking of posting this on some pro-drug websites or atheist web sites. Thoughts? Opinions? Helpful criticism welcome!

    Only thing that is fulfilling is Jesus Christ, I found Jesus, and now I am 5 months clean
  11. Lily76_

    apart from bible study where do i start learning about Christian Theology

    Thank you all for the links and posting back to me , this is a great start for me God Bless you all
  12. Lily76_

    REILLY's CCCVI - the Bard's Residence

    Good Morning Everyone
  13. Lily76_

    The evolution of television as a gen-Xer

    i mostly use streaming services if i am going to watch anything which for me its rare that i do i listen to a radio station in the UK called LBC , Christian radio based in the Uk and Spotify which i listen to more off tv now is rubbish or it 24 hour news with no filter, i think the internet...
  14. Lily76_

    A cure for cancer?

    Both my mum and sister has cancer at the moment, my Mum's is terminal cervical cancer my sister has thyroid Cancer, it hard to see one loved one go through this but i have both members of my family ,we already lost my dad to suicide 13 years ago in September
  15. Lily76_

    REILLY's CCCVI - the Bard's Residence

    Good Morning Everyone , i hope everyone has a great day
  16. Lily76_

    apart from bible study where do i start learning about Christian Theology

    Thank you to everyone who have posted back to me, i am very grateful to you all for the links you have posted for me . God Bless you all
  17. Lily76_

    apart from bible study where do i start learning about Christian Theology

    Hello, i was Born Catholic but i cant remember much about Church. And i have recently became born again Christian, I want to learn Christian theology and more about the bible. I go to Bible Study On Friday Morning, but i wish to go deeper into Christian Theology and maybe even go to bible...
  18. Lily76_

    What is modern slavery?

    I signed the Petition and praying for those effected by this
  19. Lily76_

    More Wars

    I pray for this too
  20. Lily76_

    School Shooting In Iowa

    Its likely this person was being bullied for being in the LGBTQ community , as someone who use to be LGBTQ there is a lot of mentall unwell people in that community I am not making excuses for what they have done but i kinda understand the psychology of it all having been in someone shoes who...