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  1. AWorkInProgress

    I (an atheist) dreamt about becoming a Christian and I can’t stop thinking about it

    Good morning, If you are about to go to University, you should be old enough to make your own decisions. There is nothing wrong with about learning something new. If you are willing to follow the 'white rabbit', here is a good primer I recommend new people watch.
  2. AWorkInProgress

    How important is family church attendance?

    Sometimes having a tuff upbringing can be a dual-edge sword. It can teach you discipline, to get up and move when you need to. Yet it can be an emotional noose around your mind, preventing you from making your own decisions. One of the hardest lessons I had to learn after the fall of my home...
  3. AWorkInProgress

    I can't tell if I have hope or if I am going to hell forever

    Unpardonable sin seems to be a trap for a lot of people to get hung up on. Either the Lord God almighty is going to do a work in your life and save you from his wrath or he isn't. You are still breathing and on this planet, the Gospel is still translated into your language and its message hasn't...
  4. AWorkInProgress

    I am beginning to see a light.

    You have stumbled into one of the greatest debates in Christianity. Free will vs Sovereignty of God. Do you accept Jesus into your heart or allow him to save you? Or is your salvation a work that God chose to do in your life whether you wanted it or not? The real question is how bad was the...
  5. AWorkInProgress

    How can I make genuine repentance and become a true convert?

    I might be overdoing it, but sometimes music speaks to the heart more. I see you have been struggling for some time, so anything could help at this point. I am not a fan of hip hop, but I really enjoy and have been edified by this music.
  6. AWorkInProgress

    How can I make genuine repentance and become a true convert?

    Our salvation is a work from God, from beginning to end. Sounds like you are close, but the light of the Gospel hasn't overtaken you just yet. When I was in your shoes, used a quote that was shared to be a guiding light. "If there be a God, he would rather have honest questioning rather than...
  7. AWorkInProgress

    What this pastor said, was it bibically correct?

    Sadly the church is made of wheat and chaff. We can't purge the chaff because it will hurt the wheat. Those who are regenerated or saved are sheep in the Lord's hands. We are still sinners living in corruption and making mistakes, but the Lord in his grace brings us back into the fold due to...
  8. AWorkInProgress

    What this pastor said, was it bibically correct?

    Luke 6:43-45 NASB 43 For there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree that bears good fruit. 44 For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. 45 The good person out of the good...
  9. AWorkInProgress

    Christian only. At the end of my tether

    "I want to know love.." Hello Alex, I won't pretend to know even remotely what you are going thru right now. Out of your post, I can recommend this to be a starting point. This is my advice from my experiences. After I became saved, all I could think about was meeting that special someone...
  10. AWorkInProgress

    Does Real Prophet Charger Money For A Prophecy Word On Fiverr etc? (I paid $40 for a prophecy)

    Justin Peters focuses on issues like this. Here is a link to his teachings to help explain things. Justin Peters - Clouds Without Water
  11. AWorkInProgress

    What would you recommend to an open-minded atheist who is willing give God a chance?

    Pray and give him the Gospel. Our job is to deliver the message, it's God's job to change his heart. If he questions why you believe the bible, use this. Voddie Baucham - Why I believe the Bible
  12. AWorkInProgress

    What does it mean to be "filled with the Spirit", and what are practical ways to achieve it?

    Hello Truthseeker, One of the traps in Christianity these days, especially in the Pentecostal movement is mentality of "haves and have nots". As others have mentioned before, it's all about your salvation. When we receive our new heart and we become regenerated by our faith in the work of...
  13. AWorkInProgress

    How do you hold it together?

    Thanks for sharing mnphysicist. Yeah, I have good days and bad ones. Today was a good day. Other days the little things that remind me of my wife start to trigger all the thoughts of how much I miss her and how angry about how powerless I was to save her. Then it leads to getting angry with God...
  14. AWorkInProgress

    God gave me a purpose I can't do

    Hi CFC, I am a cat lover too. I got two of them that drive me nuts :) "Do not worry" is extremely difficult even for people without disorders or disabilities. It is human nature in general that can get afraid of things we don't have control over. You are far from being alone in that, and no...
  15. AWorkInProgress

    Is there any reason for this?

    Hello Blaise, It is a healthy thing to question your salvation. There are many people who go to church every week, worship, and pay tithes. Yet when they die, expecting to be embraced by Jesus. Jesus says "I never knew you"(Matt 7:21-23) It's a sad thing, but it happens. Brother, take your...
  16. AWorkInProgress

    My mom died today

    Hi Introvert, I am sadden for your loss. I wish I could say the pain goes away fast, but it takes time. I recently lost my best friend and I am still struggling with it. Don't be surprised that you are in shock and you can't sleep tonight. Brother, I agree with your sister, don't shut her...
  17. AWorkInProgress

    What do we do with a deep desire to be married again?

    Yeah, my mind has gone there. The OP's question. I wanted to grow old with my wife, but now she is gone. I am technically still young. I never really wanted to live my life alone, and I felt discusted about the thought of another woman in my life. I think it's the loneliness, creeps into the...
  18. AWorkInProgress

    How do you hold it together?

    Parent losing a child, I can't begin to imagine how that feels. I am sadden for your loss. Thank you for your words.
  19. AWorkInProgress

    How do you hold it together?

    I agree, she is very special in many ways. Everytime I would heal from my past and become stronger. Part of me want to go off on my own way, sense of independence. I would be quicken in my spirit, knowing if I go down that road I lose her for sure. Without God in the marriage, it ain't going to...
  20. AWorkInProgress

    How do you hold it together?

    Hello, I am almost 2 months since the passing of my beloved wife of 13 years. I been a follower of Christ since 2007, I know Reformed theology and the Sovereignity of God. I believe he is very much in control of all things. My wife passed quickly and I know she is in a better place. Reviewing...