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  1. R

    Bible Study Tools

    Hello, When studying the Bible, what have you found helpful? For instance, do you use any apps that help with cross references or original translations? Thanks
  2. R

    Growing in Christ

    This is awesome, thank you for sharing
  3. R

    Our Friendship Was A Lie

    Thanks. It does hurt me that his whole "let's get to know each other" spiel, and "you're my friend" nonsense...was all a ploy. I dont like feeling like a THING, a useable THING, and that's how I feel and would feel being around him, since he wants a booty call.
  4. R

    Our Friendship Was A Lie

    I think so too, now. Sadly. I want to be polite and kind. I prayed about how I should treat him, and a little voice told me that I should treat him like a brother in Christ. That's hard to do right now: because he doesnt ACT like a brother in Christ, and he doesnt think of me as his...
  5. R

    Our Friendship Was A Lie

    Excellent point. This particular person drinks A LOT. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he was drunk out his mind when he messaged me.
  6. R

    Our Friendship Was A Lie

    He's very aware that I'm Christian. Our first conversations were about the Bible and what we each felt God wanted us to do with our lives. He told me he was Christian too, and felt God wanted him to be a preacher. So, I thought he'd be a good first. I also believe he used the...
  7. R

    Our Friendship Was A Lie

    I've decided to cut off a fake friend, and am still sad over what I thought our friendship WAS. I'm new in the military, and have moved to my first unit overseas. I'm pretty quiet, so when this guy seemed like he wanted to be my friend, I was open. But now, after a couple months I no longer...
  8. R

    God May Be Leading Me To Marry This Man, But He's Not What I Expected Or Wanted. HELP

    Thank you for posting. Yes, I have seen a wedding like that. Everyone was murmuring that the bride was making a huge mistake. The context of him saying that was this: we were watching tv and a man walked in offering a newspaper for sale. The man joking said that Reynold is a womanizer...
  9. R

    God May Be Leading Me To Marry This Man, But He's Not What I Expected Or Wanted. HELP

    Thank you. Funny you should say that. About two years ago, when I was healing over a break up, a man prophesied encouragement over me, saying that God knew that I was hurting and that I'd be ok in the end. He also said God wanted me to know that God picked out someone for me and that I'd...
  10. R

    God May Be Leading Me To Marry This Man, But He's Not What I Expected Or Wanted. HELP

    I agree. Sometimes things fall apart to fall back together. I prayed last night that God would take out my feelings for him. A few minutes ago he spoke to me saying that over quietness bothers him and that since "he cant do affection without sex, then we have to be friends." That's what I...
  11. R

    God May Be Leading Me To Marry This Man, But He's Not What I Expected Or Wanted. HELP

    Hi, You're right. The list didnt because I was listing my worries. As far as womanizing, he's told me that he likes to chase women. He's said that he's been a player--that's the same isnt it? He said that he basically has the psychology of women down to a science. Him saying that scares me...
  12. R

    God May Be Leading Me To Marry This Man, But He's Not What I Expected Or Wanted. HELP

    I met Reynold* six weeks ago. We talked. It was nice. Soon thereafter, he told me that he enjoyed our conversation and that he liked me a lot. We kept talking. About a month later, we were watching tv when suddenly his eyes widened and his skin got very pale, like he'd had seen a ghost! He...
  13. R

    Does This Sound Like It's From God?

    Hi, I bought a book to help me hear God's voice, and it recommends having people read what you heard to reassure if it's Him or not. The blue is what I think I heard from Him. Here's the conversation: God, why did you make my hair like this? "Why do you not like your hair?" (I tell...
  14. R

    Having Second Thoughts On My Boyfriend: HELP!

    What gave the impression that I hadnt met either of them? I've met Damon. As for Khalil, I havent met him because he lives overseas right now. I believe I have to choose because that's what I'd want a guy to do if the shoe were on the other foot. You're right. I will do that. Thank you...
  15. R

    Changing to Islam

    You're compromising your faith and injuring your witness. We're supposed to marry others who also believe in Jesus. Like you, I've been in your shoes and been in a relationship with someone who was a different religion from me. It's not worth it at all! It kills you spiritually and takes extra...
  16. R

    Having Second Thoughts On My Boyfriend: HELP!

    Thanks for your honesty. Wow, that really went over my head: as far as convience. I really do like Khalil but sometimes I'm not sure if my uncertainty is because of... my likeness for him, or because I know he'd want us to be together and I know it'd break his heart now. ...Also he's told me...
  17. R

    Changing to Islam

    Define "Is this possible?"
  18. R

    Having Second Thoughts On My Boyfriend: HELP!

    I'm very grateful to any of you who give me advice! In short, I've been talking to 2 guys: "Damon" and "Khalil". 3 days ago, I agreed to be Damon's girlfriend, but now I'm having second thoughts an am unsure why. I'm unsure if I made a mistake, or if I have "grass is greener syndrome". Ok...
  19. R

    Does This Sound Like What God Would Say?

    I'm unsure if this is God's answer, or me, PROJECTING what I feel He'd say. I found an opening for a close-by, salaried position in my field. I asked God if I put in the application and did the work, would He give me the job. And I felt this answer: "You need to spend more time with Me...