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  1. rambot

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    It seems there is a faction of people who hold the Founding Fathers up to be almost gods (but certainly some kind of divine representative). So much so that they figure a 240ish yr old legal document is as applicable in today's culture as in one from that long ago. I'm curious, is there...
  2. rambot

    Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

    In my personal opinion.... I do think that you should actually interaction with many transgender person before you label them with some pretty awful labels. Do I think you should ask that question? I would hope you would. Do you believe that if you asked them that, it would have been the...
  3. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    I have understood you believe that. It's just that "not going to war" is not a way to "honour" someone ELSE'S sacrifice. If you are HONOUR someone, you bestow honour ON them by doing something FOR them. Trump didn't make the choice to not go to war to "honour" American soldiers. Trump the...
  4. rambot

    Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

    When you have asked Transgender people, which one do they say it is?
  5. rambot

    Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

    Huh. Do you think Trans people actually gain pleasure from "deceiving/controlling others"? I'm more inclined to think that they just want to identify as a woman.
  6. rambot

    Misbehaving and Unruly Tourist in Japan

    I love travel and I cannot understand folks who don't understand how their actions could be disrespectful.
  7. rambot

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    Any source for that? I'm curious. I've heard microdosing psylocybin ("shrooms") is also have a TREMENDOUSLY positive affect on people with INCREDIBLY deep depression.
  8. rambot

    TX GOP Adds Some Fun New Planks to Its Party Platform

    Do you believe everyone's vote is as important as everyone else's or do you believe some people's vote should have a greater weight and meaning?
  9. rambot

    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    My emphasis. That seems like a knee jerk, ill thought out response becaues it's ridiculously false. Look at when CO2 started to increase: It was when humans started burning coal.....started driving cars. Re: Volcanos. The entire volcano output is 1/60s of Man's output when you compare yearly...
  10. rambot

    TX GOP Adds Some Fun New Planks to Its Party Platform

    Well I mean the other option is to convince people through good governance and sound policy. That may get people on board.
  11. rambot

    TX GOP Adds Some Fun New Planks to Its Party Platform

    There is absolutely no way this passes. I just read a reddit post from a Lawyer and he explained that this would definitely affect the Supreme Court's "One Person One Vote" thing. Also, it would likely disenfranchise black voters who would be SEVERELY underrepresented in many, many counties.
  12. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    As SOON as you say something nice to anyone about anything, it's virtue signaling. To be fair, it's pretty much every President since Memorial Day has been a thing that has just been virtue signalling.
  13. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    But you yourself have NO PROBLEM with what he tweeted...on Memorial Day? You felt that was appropriate post content for a rational, intelligent, former president on a day when a countries takes a moment to remember solidiers who died?
  14. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    "Not going to war" does NOT "honour" any soldier. That is an argument of desperate convinience. If you win were to win a prestigious award for, say, fiction writing and I, a professor were to come up to you and say "Writers are just failed academics who pretend to be smarter and more intune...
  15. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    I'm not a big fan of how someone can toss out the phrase "virtue signalling" in an attempt to gaslight an argument. Especially one where the only really acceptable option, is to act virtuous ( honour fallen soldiers, it makes sense to do a virtuous act).
  16. rambot

    Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

    Ok. Do you remember when Trump hired his daughter and son in law? Two people completely unsuitable for their roles? That's pretty much the definition I gave above.
  17. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    Your reply to the op is in the textbook example of goalposts shifting
  18. rambot

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    Why? Lol! Good thing you included the emoticon. I was about to go super saiyan teacher. Lol
  19. rambot

    Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

    What's your definition of nepotism? Oxford says this. Is it OK? the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs