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  1. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    Her temperature is down but not gone. Had blood tests yesterday. Waiting for results. On the good news front, a couple of generous men have stepped up and covered immediate financial needs that I haven’t been able to. Living on the edge all the time and being responsible for so many has been...
  2. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    Our teenage daughter has a very high temperature. We are seeking medical assistance. Please pray for us!
  3. rusmeister

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri (another one!)

    Still popping in from over here in Montenegro! If any of you old hands here wants to spend a few days on the sunny Adriatic in July or August, and maybe attend a Liturgy in the Serbian Church here, PM me!
  4. rusmeister

    Finally Coming Home

    Just don’t count too much on people. Most will disappoint you, sooner or later. Keep your eye on Whom they are trying to serve, and don’t try to manufacture any feelings in yourself. You may feel blessed, you may feel dry as a bone and alone. Just “keep on swimmin’, keep on swimmin’…”, go to the...
  5. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    Now my credit union, which offers only Zelle, can’t transfer the money to my Wise account. It doesn’t matter that it’s a $ account in the US. They have everything set up, I mean everything, so that the rich can do whatever they want, and the little guy is screwed. So if you could remember me...
  6. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    A good man transferred some money from a GoFundMe he had started for me last year. First time ever. While not a whole lot, it covers almost an entire month and has bought me a little time. Glory to God, and thank you for your prayers! We expect to be in the woods for another year, so please...
  7. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    We’ve been limping along in Montenegro. We had a positive blessing this last month when the landlady decided not to double our rent for the high season; we’ve been ideal tenants, caring for the property and paying all the bills, which tourists would stiff her with. Now my kids are in $$ trouble...
  8. rusmeister

    Christ is risen!!!

    Well, yes, it is how this starts to become visible as you learn more and more of an ever-wider range of languages. I can SEE the Tower of Babel, at least, its outline in the vast criss-crossing that is so clearly mixed-up versions of each other (after what little we really know of PIE) rather...
  9. rusmeister

    Christ is risen!!!

    Yeah, that I knew. The root just looked closer to the Slavic than to the Latin. Yandex Translate gave the root as “to rise”, pretty straightforward. I find etymological dictionaries to be overall more helpful than standard “definition” dictionaries. They take me deeper, and further away from...
  10. rusmeister

    Christ is risen!!!

    I am guessing that “at” is a prefix, and the roots is probably “gyfod”? I’d want to ask Anthony Esolen, who is more of an expert than me, but that would make the root appear like a distant cousin of the Slavic “zhivot” (life), possibly making it “come to life”. Just educated stabs in the dark…
  11. rusmeister

    Christ is risen!!!

    In bed sick. Wasn’t able to go. :(
  12. rusmeister

    Christ is risen!!!

    At least, in the Eastern Hemisphere…
  13. rusmeister

    Putin / ROC / attitudes and statements

    I missed this thread seven years ago. Dunno why. I can say that a lot of Archer’s expressed concerns have certainly come to pass. As to the quote, welcome, Nagomirov! I understand Russian quite well, but this IS an English-language forum. if you have any problems or questions about English...
  14. rusmeister

    Christian forums vs Reddit

    This exchange underscores what I said above, this seems to bear repeating, since it appears not to have been heard: ”Pretending that challenges to the side we favor (which has its own tendencies to go wrong) are unimportant, and that the only serious consideration is the wrongs of the side we...
  15. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    They have crossed the border safely and will soon be home! It is an important step toward our re-legalization in this exile here. if things had gone wrong, it could have gone very badly. Glory to God, and thank you for your prayers!
  16. rusmeister

    Prayer requests post here!

    Asking for prayers for traveling family members. The risks are considerable. Especially in the next few hours.
  17. rusmeister

    Christian forums vs Reddit

    There IS position that can be called “far-right” in the Church. There is ALSO a position that can be called “far-left” in the Church. There are positions that go too far in restricting legitimate liberty and economia in favor of a conception of “one size fits all”. There ARE positions that go...
  18. rusmeister

    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    I just responded to Platina and made the distinction I think we can agree on. It is not a formal doctrine, but it IS current practical policy. The Patriarch’s support and words do carry a lot of weight.
  19. rusmeister

    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    I hear what you are saying as well, and get it. The meaning of “the Orthodox Church as a whole” is of course not the same as “the current practical policy of a given national Church”. I think if we make that distinction then we are in the clear. People will still attack those saying it, but they...
  20. rusmeister

    Christian forums vs Reddit

    My wife’s best friend thinks a lot like you, gzt. We have been writing a little civilly, she keeps sending me posts from Public Orthodoxy, Fordham, etc. The latest was from PO by Sr Vassa, and I pointed out to her that Sr Vassa and Fr Peter are both champions to their own side and preachers of...