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  1. homeofmew

    Would you wait for your wedding day to first kiss your husband or wife?

    I get the entire purity before marriage thing, but the no kiss thing before marriage didn't pop up until my mod 20s, which by then seemed really dumb.
  2. homeofmew

    Rape in the Church, And with Minors.

    Growing up, It happened to someone in the church I tired talking about it but they covered it up. parents had an attitide that one bad apple doesntmean you have to dismatle the entire thing. I like to call these sickos out just how I am, but Churches don't want to look bad. But if they cover...
  3. homeofmew

    Rape in the Church, And with Minors.

    While the Catholic Church has had this issue for years now, it seems like this issue has spread to other Churches, such as Baptitst and other protestant Churches. I have not gone to church for years, and If I had kids, would be even more scared of taking them to church now. I understand people...
  4. homeofmew

    Any DragonBall Super or My Hero Academia fans?

    I watched MHA Didn't see the movie though
  5. homeofmew

    Gay Marriage The Bible VS The Declaration of Independence

    Really, let's Take Abortion then, Illegal in Chile unless "the mother's life is at risk, when the fetus will not survive the pregnancy, and in the case of rape during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (14 weeks, if the woman is under 14 years old)." And the country still has pretty big fish to fry...
  6. homeofmew

    Gay Marriage The Bible VS The Declaration of Independence

    When you have people dying, racial tensions, people starving, there are bigger fish to fry. I have been in cities such as Mexico City and Sao Paulo (and the poverty levels there) . I have seen pretty big fish to fry.
  7. homeofmew

    Gay Marriage The Bible VS The Declaration of Independence

    I know the "right conservatives" feels like they (the gays) want special treatment. But I hear story after story of how their familes don't agree with it, and if one gets sick they can't be together. I am also trying to take this from what the US LAW says. Let's say the Bible says "using A...
  8. homeofmew

    Why do Teenagers Lie?

    My parents let me taste some wine around 12-13 because it was new years and i was curious and i thought it was gross n stuff xD, a few years later we took a trip and there was some beer involved, no one in my family likes beer I ask if I could taste, i was like 17-19 at the time, again SUPER...
  9. homeofmew

    Daughter is having some problems with modesty and attire, do you think this an appropriate punishmen

    My parents complain I dress like a tom boy and i don't dress up enough. If it's not one thing it's another. My advice tell her how you feel other then that, there's really nothing you can do. I come home with another pokemon t shirt when i was younger and my parents were like uhggg.
  10. homeofmew

    Gay Marriage The Bible VS The Declaration of Independence

    I was brought up in a very conservative home, the no sex until marriage thing. Sure I was taught sex ed, but only on the basic level, I didn't really know was oral sex was until 8th-9th grade cause I heard some kids were doing it. Anyway I was always told Being Gay is a sin and God wants...
  11. homeofmew

    Church Confusion

    My issue is my parents always seem to be into some new whatever and they want to drag me into it. I'm not gonna switch just because they are.
  12. homeofmew

    Church Confusion

    I have nothing against the Teaching of Revelation, when I ws younger I thought it was cool and all when the fist time I heard it at church because it's not talked to about to kids. But the entire trying to connect everything with current policies kinda seems farfetched to me. It feels like it's...
  13. homeofmew

    Church Confusion

    Hiya Guys. So from the age of like 6-12 I was raised in a non-denominational church. Talked about jesus, read straight out the Bible sang the old hymns played the paino. Pretty stightfoward church. (no site) Then around Middle School 13-16 That Church Pastor Retired so my parents went to...
  14. homeofmew

    Family with teens switching high schools

    Yeah when I moved to Texas, the grading was different as well I went to a private christian school in New Jersey where a 90 Was a B and a 94 was an A. Granted when I moved my GPA went up. I had a teacher who out right had something against me and failed me (with a 69) despite getting all...
  15. homeofmew

    Is My Little Pony Christian?

    If you are talking about MLP Friendship is Magic, after a certain point in the show they gear it to older,,, crowds, blame the bronies. i know the Episode "Slice of life" or whatever it is has dr hooves in it (dr who reference) and stuff.. But as for violence. On the light side of it PG if that.
  16. homeofmew

    scared for my daughter,obsessed with the dark

    I think all kids go through a dark phase, i mean I sure did. heck i still watch some pretty dark anime and stuff.
  17. homeofmew

    Family with teens switching high schools

    I did 9th and 10th Grade in NJ and 11th and 12th in Texas, I did fine, but I had to do a few summer classes because state to state requirements are different. It wasn't the end of the world though.
  18. homeofmew

    Found out son is gay, what should I do?

    Have him eventually come to you about it. Him finding out that you found it will be not a good thing.
  19. homeofmew

    Any anime or manga sinful to watch?

    Watch Haibane Renmei :/
  20. homeofmew

    Do you feel young or old?

    I know I'm 30 now but I still feel young. :/