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  1. Paulos23

    Is God Worthy...?

    Sorry. I have a hard time reacting to the worst I have seen from Christians here on the site. I have to constantly remind myself "not all Christians are like that". And sometimes my angry Atheist side comes out....
  2. Paulos23

    Is God Worthy...?

    There is no human worthy of "worship, praise, glory, and rule." in the religious sense to me. Acting kind to one another, and treating each other with respect would be my preference. Like I said before, actions mean more than words. If God is worthy of "worship, praise, glory, and rule." then...
  3. Paulos23

    Is God Worthy...?

    Let just leave it at I don't have a reason to believe there is a God and focus on if there is a God, is he/she worthy of respect or worship. I don't want to derail this thread too much more on if there is or isn't. And if you go by the Bible, I don't think so.
  4. Paulos23

    Thomas has accepted $4M in gifts during career: Watchdog

    You think there would be a low threshold for Supreme Court Justices on gives. Somewhere around a million say.
  5. Paulos23

    Is God Worthy...?

    It was an indirect answer to your question. Direct answer: How can something that does not exist be worthy? Secondary answer: If there is a God, I don't know of any evidence that makes him worthy in my eyes.
  6. Paulos23

    Is God Worthy...?

    Quoting the Bible does nothing to show that God exists or if he does even care for this planet. For those of us who have left the religion, quoting the Bible is the worst way for us even to consider coming back. Actions speak louder than words.
  7. Paulos23

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    When the books warning about the limitation of information are baned, something is up
  8. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    That is not what I was implying. Trump is the king of "It is not my fault".
  9. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Straight from the book of Trump.
  10. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    No, but he is willing and tries. It is not his fault Trump steers the GOP to not play ball.
  11. Paulos23

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I have learned not to get excited or panicky over one poll.
  12. Paulos23

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    That was one poll. Another one had Biden up by 16. And another one had Kennedy up by 19. It is better to take the average of all of them than focus on one poll.
  13. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    And I think we would be better with a president who gets both sides working together on our most critical issues. Trump shows no willingness to do that.
  14. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    No, this is a sideline to the thread. The thread is about Trump getting a guilty verdict. People are just turning it into about which party is better. My point is that no one party has all the answers, and taking the extreme line of one party or the other to address complex problems is not...
  15. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Nope, I don't buy it. It is too simple and easy to answer these issues and doesn't address the underlying causes. These issues are far more complex just to be caused by liberalism and liberalism alone. Just being conservative is not going to solve those issues. Take the housing issue. It is...
  16. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    So you think the Dems are responsible for all that? The Republicans are just accountable for them as well. By pushing feel-good laws that don't solve the underlying problems, both parties are making the issues worse and creating more suffering.
  17. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Save America how?
  18. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    No, I am sure it is not. I know conservatives who believe it is not and have either left the GOP or are fighting to keep the GOP. I didn't say he didn't. But people with power usually want more. It is a rare person that doesn't want more. Trump is not that sort of person based on his...
  19. Paulos23

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    If being more conservative means being more sexist and racist, then yes. Greed is not just for money, it can be for power as well. And Trump has done much during his presidency to enrich his coffers.