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  1. D

    No way they're getting divorced!!!

    An old man calls his son and says, "Listen, your mother and I are getting divorced. Forty-five years of misery is enough." "Dad, what are you talking about?" the son screams. “We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,” he says. "I'm sick of her face, and I'm sick of talking about...
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    Ten Facts About You...

    1. You logged into Christian 2. You wanted to read some jokes 3. You're reading this right now 4. You're realizing these are stupid facts 6. You didn't notice I skipped five 7. You're checking now 8. You're smiling 9. You're still reading this even though its stupid 11. You...
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    Thank you for sharing, Ted... And I agree about finding another place... My husband and son do not share my feelings so for now I have to stick it out. I guess, until The Lord changes their hearts... I have managed to get them to come with me to another church that meets later on Sundays...
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    The show left in the first few words... And he admitted it. I understand that he gave the sermon today and sent me an email asking me to watch... He said that he explained what God has been teaching him these last couple of weeks... I couldn't bring myself to go so I will watch it online...
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    Yes, I know... We are currently attending another church but are thinking of attending NOT for their sermons but to minister... Not sure yet what God wants. I'm very upset.
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    What do you mean by that, Tomana? Pardon my dense ness LOL
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    He did not repent until a day after the show aired and th entire church freaked out
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    Recently my church Pastor and his associate pastor went on a tv show... The show is a reality show where people team up and try to catch fish with their bare hands... The team who catches the larhest fish wins...During the program the associate pastor cursed up a storm while trying to trap a...
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    Matthew 6:34

    How do I not worry about tomorrow when trying to save to pay the mortgage... Or when planning a vacation.... Something like a cruise needs to be paid well in advance.. while trying to save for the trip, I find that I may not be able to afford it... Do I continue to try to save or do I say to...
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    What in the world does Exodus 4:24-26 mean???

    Re reading the passage... Is there a reason to touch his feet? Does touching someone's feet have any significance?
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    What in the world does Exodus 4:24-26 mean???

    Thanks... I read on another site that if Moses had gone on to Egypt with his uncircumcised son, he (the child) would have died in the plague of the Firstborn... That the reason she threw the foreskin on his feet indicates, the boy had not been circumcised because the ritual disgusted her and she...
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    What in the world does Exodus 4:24-26 mean???

    THANKS! ANYONE!!!!!:confused:
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    Hi... I have a question about the Jews...

    I am not trying to start an argument, if I came across that way - I apologize - I agree on certain things you said "is this a matter of salvation?" and keeping to the important things in Scripture... But, I disagree that we should let people who are wrong keep believeing they're wrong because...
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    When was Yeshuah [Joshuah] Messiah Born ?

    NICE! thank you for that!! Also, let us not overlook the orderly way God works and that Jesus being born during the Feast Of Tabernacles (God with us) would be especially fitting! :)
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    Hi... I have a question about the Jews...

    Thanks! From what I understand (since posting my question) is that the Jews were the chosen people to spread the word of God to all nations as the Disciples eventually did (after they finally "got it" after Jesus resurrected Himself and visited them) Not all Jews are saved - only those who...
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    Yep... me too... also looked up Randy Alcorn... not it. So wierd... thanks anyway! :wave: LOVE YA!
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    Thank you... So strange... It seems so real to me that I read it in there. I knew if anyone knew, it would be you guys here in Christian Forums... Again, thanks!
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    looking on the web RIGHT NOW!!
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    Funny, I've never even heard of Randy Acorn... My goodness, I'm beginning to feel like I dreamed it... The Israelites were camped out and The Lord asked their leader to tell them to cover up their filth because He was going to walk through... Then in the same story to fill their pockets with...