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  1. E

    Thinking of Moving to Australia

    Welcome to Australia! :D
  2. E

    Any Melbournian Christians about?

    Yup, I live in Melbourne. :) For 22 years, have been Christian for that long too. Best city in the world.
  3. E


    I felt this too - we were having cell group in our home, and one of our friends said "Satan, get behind me" as we were doing a study called "Jesus, Supreme Conqueror", and right after she said that, the earthquake happened. :) I was in the kitchen at the fridge and the whole fridge was shaking...
  4. E

    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    So what's cooking? By the way, it was my birthday exactly a week ago, and CF's 7th birthday. :)
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Wow... 10 billion reps. I have better reputation than most politicians by now.
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Wing Dings, or Symbols, are True Type fonts in Word. Try it out. :) I love your avatar by the way.
  7. E

    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    They are just wing ding font symbols. :) In my custom profile.
  8. E

    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Why do birds suddenly appear? Everytime, you are near? Just like me, they long to be, close to you.
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    No, I'm only 8 billion - I mistakenly saw A Gazelle's reps - over 1 trillion!!!
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Am I now over 1 trillion??? :eek:
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Okay, let's try to hit 7,777,777,777. ;) We can do it...
  12. E

    CF Autumn Ball Extravaganza for all to join in! It's here!

    /me drops by to check out the ball... :wave:
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    I want to hit 7,777,777,777. ;)
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Rep Daddy, you look very handsome today. ;)
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    You got me addicted, Rep Daddy. I blame you. ;)
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Hello reps, here I am! ;)
  17. E

    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Woohoo!!! :clap: 1 billion reps - that's a milestone! Thanks all! :) It's doing well, thanks for asking. I'm doing a bit of what you're doing now - doing something relaxing and enjoyable as a hobby, and trying to avoid any drama. :)
  18. E

    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Hi all. :) Just dropping by again. I send well wishes and prayers towards Rep Daddy.
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    I just realised how much I miss the CF smilies.
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    Let's Mega Rep ERWIN

    Since we are playing this game, let's try to hit a BILLION! :D If only this could translate to real life, I would have a reputation like Mother Theresa. ;)