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  1. bubblefish

    No matter your past, you are not evil - 8th April 2008

    I know of many people here on the forums who have been harassed and told they are evil because of their past. Because having mental health problems or something bad in your past means you can’t be a good person or a good Christian or suitable to be a moderator. I know of many people who have...
  2. bubblefish

    "It's ok.. just rely on God!" - 1st April 2008

    How often when someone is struggling or having a bad day is this statement used? But when you think about it, is it really something that is true? Before people begin reporting me for discouraging God, know that I do believe God does amazing things and that we do have to have faith in him and...
  3. bubblefish

    love those who are outcast - 1st Jan. 2008

    Go after God. Whatever it takes, do it. And don't give the excuse "I'm just a teenager" or "I'll do it when I grow up," because it doesn't work that way. God wants to know you NOW.' ~ Rachel ScottAfter I finished writing the last post on sheltering young people I was reading through the book...
  4. bubblefish

    sheltered life - 31st Dec. 2007

    Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity ~ 1 Timothy 4:12 Often people are quick to judge a person on their age both on the forums and in real life. If you are not an adult then you can't...
  5. bubblefish

    Words - 2nd Dec. 2007

    Remember the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.' This is the perception many have. Words are not important. There is no phyiscal damage so it can not hurt the person. Comments in schools about people being 'fat' or 'ugly' and it is just laughed at by...
  6. bubblefish

    Friendship - 27th Nov. 2007

    'We're all in this together if we're in it at all' ~ Johnny Cash One thing I am learning is the importance of friends and friendship. As I mentioned in my 2nd post here, little acts of kindness and reaching out as a friend can have a huge impact on a persons life and the decisions they make. I...
  7. bubblefish

    Life goals - 26th Nov. 2007

    Everyone has dreams and ambitions. Things they want to do with their lives. I know that I do. Some seem realistic, like learning a new language or travelling and some are more complicated and seem like they could never happen. But we are told to believe in our dreams and set goals for ourselves...
  8. bubblefish

    A new beginning - 26th Nov. 2007

    **I know this all has been posted already, but I want to keep my blog in the one spot, so am copying it over to the new forum.** It seems that every time I start to write a blog it always ends up being filled with the negative and things that go wrong. I know that it is not always a bad thing...
  9. bubblefish

    A new beginning

    This is a blog for me to try and get my words across - a place to try and find the positive in life.