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  1. Chanticleera

    Church For The First Time In 15+ Years...

    So I went to church yesterday. Twice. For the first time in years. I enjoyed it, more than I expected. I have a touch of social anxiety - I rarely leave my house except for work. Yesterday morning I tried several times to talk myself out of going, but I knew I needed to. It was a Church of...
  2. Baby Steps

    Baby Steps

    So on my last blog post I laid out some problems I had laid out some issues I had found in my new Christian life. This blog post will be an update on those. Trouble one: Lack of desire for sharing the gospel. No real change here. Trouble two: Prayer I have not been 100% successful in...
  3. Chanticleera

    Troubles....and Decisions Of How To Overcome Them. Feedback Welcome.

    I have been troubled by a few things the last few days. I have tried to not have high expectations as a christian. I figure there is a learning curve for one thing. For another, at the heart it's a relationship between me and God, and relationships take time to grow. I have been obsessed with...
  4. Chanticleera

    Garbage In, Garbage Out

    My dad was a scientist, an engineer, a mathematician, and a computer programmer. He was a very smart man. He passed the smarts to my brother, who is an airplane technician and radio technician. I work in a call center and cried my way through high school algebra. Just saying. At any rate, my...
  5. Chanticleera

    I Rat Myself Out. Constantly. Except Now.

    I do. I was thinking about this on the way home from work today. I was trying to decide what to write in my blog post, and I decided to write about this. When I was a younger, up through my pre-teen years, my dad always said he never had to worry about whether I was getting into trouble...
  6. Chanticleera

    Fledgling Christian

    A blog really more for me than you, as much as I appreciate you reading this and giving feedback. I am a writer by nature, and I have to write to get things out, so to speak. As a new christian, I am dealing with a lot of change right now. So this will be a blog detailing my adventures as a new...
  7. Chanticleera

    Conversations With A Drunken Priest, Charles Spurgeon, And Andrew Murray.

    But not at the same time. So it wasn’t actually a priest…but he kept calling himself one. He was a friend of my roommate, staying with us a few days.He graduated from seminary about five years ago, but never went through the ordination. He WAS drunk though. It was an …interesting conversation...
  8. Chanticleera

    Plans For Growth

    I have been extraordinarily lazy this weekend. I had all these wonderful plans of things to do — and got nothing done. Some of this was my fault. Some was not. I made the mistake of venturing out with my roommate to visit her mom. That trip that was supposed to take — at the most — three hours...
  9. Chanticleera

    So I'm A Christian Now...

    Yep. As of three days ago. Well, really two days ago. This is the third day and its 6am. What made me become a christian? Months of reading, talking, asking questions, looking for answers. I was raised catholic. Spent a few years in some baptist churches here and there. Got baptized twice...