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  1. Metal Minister

    Sola Scriptura and the ability to be saved.

    I recently had a discussion with several catholic brothers and sisters where I asked this question. Can the mass save by itself? Here's what I mean: If a man, who'd never heard of Jesus, or Christianity, were to find a bible on the side of the road, he could find salvation within its pages...
  2. Metal Minister

    Creation and the Flood

    As I've been doing my bible studies (though I am sick I will not be parted from God!) I've stumbled across something I believe may be profound. When discussing things such as evidence for a global flood with those who do not believe, or who scoff and say there is no evidence, we should remind...
  3. Metal Minister

    Atheism Is A Religion!

    Atheism's god is chance, and its saviour is time! Everything is a product of chance and it is saved by applying enough time.
  4. Metal Minister

    My theme song

    I always believed everyone needed their own theme song. This is mine: War of Ages Stand your ground (with intro) - Lyrics - YouTube Bad day or good, God's will is the most important thing, and we as Christians must stand our ground! We cannot be like the disciples in the boat, we must be like...
  5. Metal Minister

    's Blog