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  1. A New Dawn


    DAYEINU If God had given me life but had not given me loving parents .....It would have been enough If God had given me loving parents but had not given me my sister and brothers .....It would have been enough If God had given me my sister and brothers but had not given me a happy...
  2. A New Dawn

    3 years

    Three years today. June 27th. It is my re-birthday. Three years ago today, God pulled me out of the restoration. Praise the Lord! :clap: :clap: :clap:
  3. A New Dawn

    Art Walk quilt display

    The quilting group I belong to has been working on a project with a local elementary school to make quilts. The students and staff were each to create a design on an 8 inch white square with a message for an injured soldier. Then we took the squares and made them into quilts. There were 21...
  4. A New Dawn

    All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand

    It's kind of funny the songs we sing at church. We have a contemporary band playing, we sing a mixture of praise songs and hymns that have been adapted for the band. I never seem to know which songs are hymns, though, since most of them are new to me. We have been singing this song, and I...
  5. A New Dawn

    ..... because He first loved us

    We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 As I was looking through a commentary on this passage of scripture (1 John 4:17-19), I saw this commentary by Spurgeon on this one verse and it immediately had my name written all over it, and I realized the truth it contained. “Yet we...
  6. A New Dawn

    Where HE Leads Me -- Part II

    At my daughter's school, they had to create "inventions" to fix problems they have experienced to help them learn about problem solving. My daughter created a "mind reading TV" and was made a semi-finalist for her school (I'm sure there are quite a few. ;) ) Tomorrow she has to take her...
  7. A New Dawn

    Where HE Leads Me -- Part II

    John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me
  8. A New Dawn

    Where HE Leads Me -- Part II

    I guess I have to start over again, I really much preferred the other style we had where all the posts were thread-form, since my blog told my story about coming out of the cult and how God has led me over the last almost-3 years, but now we have "real" blogs, so I guess I'll have to figure this...