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  1. doctorwho29

    Random Depression

    That's as good a title as any. I keep getting plagued by strange doubts and anxieties these days that I'm trying to get out of my system, even a bit. I actually obsess about my age (26) a strange amount no matter how many times I make peace with it. I haven't had my own place to live yet that's...
  2. doctorwho29

    Fears and Doubts

    Here it is, after 3 AM and I can't sleep. There are several factors but the main one is that I can't shake my fears of the future that attacked me so suddenly. I was drifting off to sleep while thinking of something silly when suddenly my mind exploded with fears such as "Where will I live after...
  3. doctorwho29

    Random Musings

    I wonder how people can post to these things everyday. It's not a criticism of others but more wondering why I don't have more to talk about when I seem to have so much to rant about. Today (technically yesterday as it's after midnight) I got another reminder about how I can both cling to past...
  4. doctorwho29

    Walking With God

    I'm back! Based on the amount of comments very few people probably actually care lol. I'm kidding. Anyway, I felt it was time for another blog post. Things are actually going well here at college and yet I tend to get so stressed and anxious. The future seems to press upon me and make me worry...
  5. doctorwho29

    What a week

    Here I am on Friday after my first week back in school. It has been a real adventure despite the fact that I only have classes on two days. I expected Monday to be a fun day of preparation for school but I cut my finger while preparing lunch and it's still healing. It's going to be just fine but...
  6. doctorwho29

    Facing the Future with Courage

    The title sums up what we're supposed to do automatically as Christians but it's not easy. God has blessed me greatly and is showing me the path I should take in this life and yet fear is the instinctive reaction. In church this morning, I'd stand to praise and sing to God but my body would...
  7. doctorwho29

    A New Year

    I've never been one for blogs. I started a fun blog based project once that failed pretty quickly. I just thought it would be fun to try this out and see what I write. My name is Brandon. I love listening to music, watching movies, hiking, and just having fun. I'm a writer, mostly of fan...
  8. doctorwho29

    's Blog