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  1. Noxot

    Christians Need To Change The World For The Better, Here Are Some Ideas.

    this was a blog post I spammed to a dude named aarvoll, reposting here. you can have your damned elite university if you have a successful business. businesses own the world so take the spear of the enemy and kill him with it. steal all the monks while you are at it. would start adopting...
  2. Isolation


    I decided to accept anxiety as a curse and blessing from God but this is going to end up leading me down dark paths probably. I feel that anxiety has protected me from a lot of things in the world that I don't really want but now I feel so isolated that I don't even want to do anything that...
  3. Noxot

    Inner And Outer Man

    2Cor 4:16-18 (ESV2011) So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the...
  4. Noxot

    What Happens When U Justly Reject God?

    if a person was honest and they understood the bible to be a plain thing then they would reject and hate God for being evil and imo that was part of Gods plan as was foreshadowed when Abram almost sacrificed his own son, which the angel stopped and instead a fleshly beast was sacrificed...
  5. Noxot

    Maybe God Let Us Be Free From Himself And We Accidentally Died....

    but then he came to us as Jesus Christ and totally changed what happened to us, kind of like a transcendental time traveler. reality might be so unexplainable that all we think we know is more like a delusion or a dream compared to the truth of how things really are. but I do think that...
  6. Noxot

    Some Thoughts On Upb

    I was thinking a little bit about Stefan Molyneux's UPB (universally preferable behavior), which is his answer to how can we make an universal moral system without God. the logic of UPB seems pretty sound though I don't think it can ever be a complete moral system. it is certainly a very useful...
  7. Noxot

    Eros-love And Suffering

    in the end a love that damaged me was a kind of door to see God in a different way. existence would be too disappointing to bear if all it was was some kind of door. I have hope in God that he will give his people the fullness of life that he said he would. so in some way everything will be...
  8. Noxot

    The Birthing Of Everything Is Due To Divine Love And Desire

    in the end sorrow came from love just as much as joy did, it's the natural reaction of missing wisdom and having wisdom. suffering means a great deal as does being a creature, they are utterly important to God no matter how much you might forget such things. there are reasons why things are how...
  9. Noxot

    Black Hole Confusion

    it's impossible to sort out this broken up moon and so many moons this planet has, all out of love. since I believe in eternal soulmates I don't know if it is wise to measure my other by any concept of change found in this symbolic playground called our universe. in the end what I wanted was...
  10. Noxot

    I want to listen only to your voice

    I don't know but often it seems there is beauty and then again for the sake of love we see nothing. just trying to find Gods desires and loves and earnestly seeking such and yet being honest as to what you are even if you don't know how to go on, why ever would I wish to walk with my own two...
  11. Noxot

    thoughts about slaves

    I think that people who feel that slavery is a thing of the past are not living in reality. but the best kinds of slaves are the people who think they are free. that way psychopaths can subtly take as much from people as people tolerate or allow. the privileged ruling class has many ways of...
  12. Noxot

    it is God who shall make them stand and it is God who is judge

    anyone trying to rape a virgin in the field as she crys out to God shall be avenged by God therefore do not say to a man that he must do as you do and practice things as you practice them. with whos blood was this mans or that mans soul bought? was it yours? then why do you act as his master and...
  13. Noxot

    quantum activity in the brain and how it might relate to consciousness

    recently I heard that apparently the brain has things in it that function in quantum states which are disrupted by anesthesia. anesthesia makes a person unconscious and yet the brain still registers as functioning and doing things. but if i can recall correctly anesthesia causes the brains...
  14. Noxot

    antiatheist 1

    yes atheism is an option for some types of souls. I wish I could take the easy road out of this world, I really do. the second thing most appealing to me besides God is death and I would like nothing more than to not exist if I can't exist in love. if death is greater than love then let me be...
  15. Noxot

    may 15 inner life

    I guess not everyone does have close friends. I kind of like it, I can't relate to most people. I like people, but I sure don't know how to explain to them what i am going through, even if it is me going through being evil to others. eventually I will learn one way or another that anger is not...
  16. Noxot

    fallen self-love is bad.

    who among any of us is not selfish? you might be able to notice what happens to people who get rid of their fears, because often when we have no more fears we are free to be as evil as we can. that is why the political leaders and people with authority over others often fall into corruption...
  17. Noxot

    concerning slandering the Holy Spirit

    this is spiritual in nature and to blaspheme the Holy Spirit means essentially to call good evil and evil good and how can one be forgiven when they think good is evil and evil good? it is a complete distortion from the whole of reality of which the Holy Spirit is the final resolution of. the...
  18. Noxot

    meow of cats march 23 2016

    the nature of the human brain is to break things into parts so that they can try to understand and function in the natural world. to create a religion based on carnal reality is to not have a religion at all. instead religion mask itself in and flows through the natural to raise a person up to...
  19. Noxot

    feelings of noxy march 4th 2016

    I think that many anarchist view governments as the only oppressive force in the world. I think that the economy is the new God that anarcho-capitalist wish to create. it already powerfully rules over so many people. yes the free market can do a lot of good to the world but like most things...
  20. Noxot

    I am of the church of john, not that of peter

    the world hates good people FAR more than most humans understand. humans are far more blind than they believe themselves to be, I wonder how blind I still am? the insane need for humans to have ruler-ship over almost everything is a symptom for how lost they truly are. the worst thing is that...