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  1. progressivegal

    Curious George? I just saw this on another forum (it made me LOL) I figured anyone who's ever sat innocently reading a childrens book before pre-screening it and came upon something shocking might appreciate it ;)
  2. progressivegal

    What would Josheph Do?

    This short article was posted in our local GLBT newsletter. It really struck a cord with me, and I wanted to share it with all of you. This article can be found here:
  3. progressivegal

    Nice Matters!

    My mom is a second grade teacher. She has a huge sign up in her room that says "Nice Matters". And it does, "Niceness" is sadly a very underrated quality it seems :( A Little niceness goes a long way, when people are nice, they make other people happy and joyful, and they in turn make others...
  4. progressivegal

    The Thread to discuss Near Death Experiences

    So as not to derail the other thread, here we go. I'm personally just starting to become interested in learning about NDE's. My husband recently read "Embraced by the Light" and has told me a little bit about it. I definitely intend to read it myself now that he's finished, I've done a small...
  5. progressivegal

    My Kitty died

    :cry::cry::cry::cry: I just found out from my sister that my cat Molly, who we'd had since I was 6 died. It's really shocking because we have another Cat, Snowball who's had diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and now cancer who is 2 years older, and still alive and kicking (which I'm glad for, very...
  6. progressivegal

    What do peopl say when you tell them you're a Quaker/Mennonite/etc.

    There was a thread in a Facebok group I belong to that asked t"What do people say when you tell them you're a Quaker" Some of the answers were very very funny, and some just made me go "huh?". I thought it might be a fun thread topic here. :)
  7. progressivegal

    Thanksgiving nightmare

    Thanksgiving was SO FRUSTRATING that I'm still steaming about it. Like many of you, I don't necessarily plan on staying child free for ever, but I am not in any way shape or form having kids soon. No way, not going to happen. So I hope it's OK if I post here. So anyway, My husband is one of 5...
  8. progressivegal

    Looking for a dinosaur book...

    Hi parents, I thought it might be wiser to ask this question here rather than in the book forum, I hope that's ok :) I want to order a good book about dinosaurs for my nephew. any good suggestions? I'd like something appropriate for a 3 year old that had actual info about dinosaurs (not a story...
  9. progressivegal

    Happy International Day of Peace!

    Today is the International Day of Peace (If you haven't seen it I can strongly recomend watching the documentary "Peace one Day" to see how today got to be the international day of peace). Let's do what we can to promote peace today. Let's be peaceful people. Peace Be with you all.
  10. progressivegal

    10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You: (But Can't, Because He Needs the Job) Has anyone read this? I picked it up at the library today and I think it's really good. It struck me as something that a lot of you regulars in WWMC might...
  11. progressivegal

    I have a confession to make...

    I don't like U2. I'm sorry, I tried, I really really have tried to like them but I don't. I like their new cover of "Instant Karma" but other than that, no. Does this make me a bad liberal Christian?
  12. progressivegal


    Sometimes the sexist attitudes I see from Christians just makes me want to scream. I had to walk out of a bridal shower because of it once. The woman was basically saying that women where more easily swayed (NOT true if you look at my husband and me, I'm more skeptical, he buys into things more...
  13. progressivegal

    You're mom

    So I'm just curious is anyone's Mom a pastor, priest or minister? Care to share anything about it? I've known a few people growing up who's dad's where ministers but as far as I know, no moms. Most of the ministers I know now (male or female)are single or have adult children I've never met...
  14. progressivegal

    Help me design my new tattoo

    So it's my birthday this weekend (hooray!!!) and my present to myself is going to be a new tattoo. I've decided it's going to be a lotus blossom on the top of my foot. I'm a yoga teacher so it's significant, and I just really like lotus blossoms, I think they're beautiful. So anyway, my husband...
  15. progressivegal

    My fellow women...

    Some more liberal support would rock! This thread is a great opportunity to encourage dialog and acceptance...
  16. progressivegal


    nm, just really frustrated...
  17. progressivegal

    Attending a Quaker meeting, What to expect?

    Hi everybody. I hope you don't mind if I pop in to ask a question. I've been wanting to attend a quaker meeting for a long time and I think I'm finally going to tomorrow. The only thing is I have really no idea what to expect. My knowledge is basically limited to a scene from "Six Feet Under"...
  18. progressivegal

    My husband's Poem

    MY husband writes poetry (usually about faith, current events or both), and I really wanted to share a beautiful poem that he wrote. It's an anti-war poem. I thought it would be "safe" to post here, because I've seen in WWMC that even if we disagree we are respectful of one another. So enjoy :)...
  19. progressivegal

    I know what religion I am now!

    So I was thinking about how I was raised Catholic (and basically consider myself Catholic) I don't know that I would go around saying I am one here on CF for fear of what people might say. And I go to a Lutheran church, I basically agree with Lutherans (ELCAers anyway) on most things but I'm not...
  20. progressivegal

    Confirmation names

    Kind of a random question, but I was wondering... I know Lutherans do confirmation but do you pick confirmation names or is that just a Roman Catholic thing?