Search results

  1. Macrina

    Health-Care Injustice

    "In 1951, doctors removed Henrietta Lacks's cells without her consent. More than half a century later, companies have made millions from her cell culture, while few of Lacks's descendants can even afford insurance." Article here.
  2. Macrina

    Axe Cop!!11!eleventy!!!!1!

    Hey there WWMCers! You've been nice and welcoming to me in your threads, so here's a reward for you. Enjoy! Axe Cop.
  3. Macrina

    WWMC Members Only -- Resources for interpreting Romans 1 (re: homosexuality)?

    First off: I don't want to debate. Secondly: Really, I don't want to debate. Now, for the purpose of this non-liberal dropping by to talk about a controversial subject: Although I believe that same-gender sex is sin, I want to understand your view. I have nothing to fear from learning...
  4. Macrina

    Recommend resources for studying Christian views on homosexuality.

    This thread is for people to post books, articles, links, etc. which they find useful in illuminating discussions amongst Christians regarding homosexuality. I, personally, am most interested in reliable scholarly sources which discuss the interpretation of Romans 1. Please let me know if...
  5. Macrina


  6. Macrina

    Church Tradition and Women in Leadership

    I recently started this thread to look at a particular sub-topic within the very broad (no pun intended) topic of women's ordination. I think discussions may be more productive if we look at things one element at a time, and I invite you to join in on this in an effort to understand each other...
  7. Macrina

    Focusing on 1 Tim 2:12 & 1 Cor 11:5 (re: women's ordination)

    I'd like to discuss the issue of women's ordination, but I think the issue is too complex to be covered in a single thread without becoming disorderly from going in many different (worthwhile) directions simultaneously. It would be a little like (to use an American analogy) saying: "Which...
  8. Macrina

    why I won't be around these parts...

    I'm feeling very drained right now and need to get some distance from this place in order to recharge. I want to let my friends here know that I won't be around for awhile -- I don't know how long -- but I'll most likely be back at some point. I'll check PMs every now and then, especially...
  9. Macrina

    How to deal with "Them."

    This is a sensitive topic, but I intend my words in a constructive and supportive tone. I hope they will be accepted in that manner. I have quite a bit of experience at being the most conservative in the room. As an undergrad, I was at a secular university which had little patience for...
  10. Macrina

    For those who were posting here in March 2006

    Hey, one of the singles forum regulars from back then posted an image in a lot of people's guestbooks on March 17, 2006. It was like a cat or a leprechaun or something innocent like that, but the site from which it was hotlinked has now substituted a pornographic image. There is no way to...
  11. Macrina


    So, what's your take on it? Please share what is normal for you and your church, but let's be cautious not to let this turn into an argument. I just want to know what people think.
  12. Macrina

    Hey Macrina! (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Hey Macrina!"
  13. Macrina

    Macrina's stuff

    tinfoil hat:
  14. Macrina

    My fellow CCers:

    Hi all. I've been on staff for about a day now and I'm already overwhelmed with criticism and accusations. I'd like to make a request of my fellow members here to please lead the way in giving me -- and the rest of the Pastoral team -- a chance to work without people assuming the worst about...
  15. Macrina

    The Phoebe Club -- Women In Ministry Coming Together

    Welcome to the Phoebe Club! Inspired by biblical examples such as Phoebe, Junia, Priscilla, Lydia, Deborah, Huldah, Miriam, and Mary, this thread is one of fellowship and support for female pastors, chaplains, seminarians, and other ministers. (Male guests may stop by, too, if you'd like!)...
  16. Macrina

    Lisa Appreciation Thread

    I just felt like saying YAY LISA! :pink: You've been working so tirelessly to get this forum running smoothly -- thank you! I *would* call you Super-Mod, except that's already a title around here... so I hereby dub thee... :cool: :cool: :cool: UberMod! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  17. Macrina

    PCOS Weight-Loss Thread

    Hi gals! :wave: Since one of the symptoms of our illness is weight gain, and extra difficulty in losing weight, most of us are trying to slim down. So let's have a support thread, right here in our forum -- a place to find encouragement from other people who know exactly what we're facing...
  18. Macrina

    I hate this.

    I hate arguing, and I hate conflict. I hate the thought of being unkind to someone else, and I hate it when someone else is unkind to me. And you know what I really hate? Being judged as a bigoted jerk who just wants to exclude people who aren't like me. I do my sincere best to express...
  19. Macrina

    What can we do to counteract this sort of thing?

    Someone in the rules discussion posted this YouTube video. It's about three minutes long, and it's a clip of a teacher instructing young Mormons who are about to go out on their missions. It provides strategy for avoiding controversial doctrines and deceiving potential converts. I don't...
  20. Macrina

    your attention please

    I'm sure many of you will want to voice your opinion in this poll, about the creation of congregational forums for groups such as Mormons and JWs.